Again & Again & Again

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Pain is best friends with grief.
You can't have one without the other.

I woke at dawn, taking a moment to watch the sky as it changed colors and the dark sky crawled away to reveal a dry morning. My throat burned from the crying, but today I would not give into the depression.

Today, we start over.

I showered and dressed quickly while I still had my room to myself, throwing on clothes without a worry of how they fit on me. After lacing my shoes, the hallways were still empty as I traveled through them and made my way down the stairs. Dameon and Gale would have to track me down later, I wouldn't wait for them to escort me around. Sneaking an apple from the kitchen, I bit into the fruit and made my way outside towards the track.

I would be putting in the work too, giving them the effort they wanted and pushing myself to become what they needed.

With the sole motivation to grow for them, I pushed myself to a jog and began my run.




Sweat made my hair stick against my neck and face, my planted arms refusing to brush the hair off me. As morning began to creep, the pack began to wake and others watched me from a distance to see what I was doing.

My arms were shaking, the numbers in my head rising while I held my plank despite their staring. I closed my eyes, catching Dameon's voice as he neared and began putting those around us to work. "Forty laps, as a warm up."

I didn't hear any complaints, watching them move like they had been ordered to.

I rose to my feet, moving to the side so that I could regain my strength in my limbs. I hadn't reached my goal this morning, but it was an improvement from laying in bed and walking the halls in the stuffy pack house. Dameon handed me a bottle of water as he came to sit next to me.

His eyes were trained on the wolves running around us, his face giving nothing away as he yawned. I had taken a chance this morning by leaving without Gale or Dameon, I wondered if he would snap at me for that later. Dameon must've sensed my expectancy as he sighed with a small smile. "Gale saw you leave this morning, waiting to tell me of course until I had already visited your room. We wanted to give you some space and time to blow off some steam, so we readied the arena with equipment to use after this."

I sighed in relief, it was always a victory when Dameon wasn't chiding me. I rested my head against his shoulder, closing my eyes as a wave of gratitude washed over me. "Thank you Dameon."

He chuckled and patted the top of my head with his hand. "You're welcome, Luna Blood."

The first one to finish the warm up Dameon had organized was a male from the new group. He was large, fitting in well with our larger wolves. I called him over to us, his head turning slightly caution before he walked over. Once standing in front of us, I could see the muscle packed on to his body, no doubt in my mind that he was a fighter of sorts. "What's your name?"

He looked at me nervously, though he was probably more worried about Dameon who eyed him carefully. "Bryant."

"Bryant, my Beta here says he's going to make you cry later in the arena." I smiled slightly as Dameon leaned forward to look at me with a wild look in his eyes. "Isn't that right, Beta Dameon?"

He growled playfully with a shake of his head as he stood from his seat. "You're one sly wolf, you know that?"

Dameon and Bryant shook hands, leaving the track behind as they began to make their way to the pit and I was alone with my thoughts again. Those that continued to finish their laps enjoyed a quick cool down before making their way to the arena too, catching the scent of Bryant and my Beta before heading that direction.

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