My Favorite Food

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My soul starves for you and only you.

The walk down the hall wasn't long, and I could easily make it without Andrew's help. But it seemed to me, that he wanted to do everything he could so he would drop the guilt he held against himself for the incident.

I wanted to say something. Anything.
However I knew if I started a sentence I would stumble over it profusely.

The power surge from earlier still leaked from him, and wolf or not, I could still feel it. It surprised me that no one else seemed to react the same way as I did. That man from before looked like he wanted to die.

I very disturbingly almost began to strip my clothes during that time. Andrew had come into the room, released what ever pheromones he had up his sleeve, and left me in a puddle of uncertainty. I wanted to dig myself a hole and hide in it.

Why was I reacting this way? Why did my life being put at risk and Andrew coming to save me, somehow excite me?

"Do you always bite your lip when you think?"

I looked up at Andrew, unsure if he had really spoken. Even though I was sure I had heard him, his attention was still looking forward.

I removed my lip from my teeth. I only did that when I was nervous.

A twitch in the corner of his mouth dragged my attention away from the question.
"Nervous?" He then turned to me and stopped just outside a door. He wanted to say more, I could see it, but the door opened slightly and a voice from inside called.

"Excuse me, Alpha and Luna, but you called for me to prepare for your arrival."

Our heads snapped up towards the disruption. A man stood in the doorway. He wore a pink checkered shirt that had been tucked into his jeans and wore big glasses. He had a short white beard too that contrasted well with his dark brown hair. The wrinkles in the corners of his eyes made him even more appealing. The doctor was fashionable I noticed, when his earrings caught the light. He looked like a very comical and kind person.

"Yes, I did." Andrew's chest vibrated and his hands around me tightened a little. The tone in his voice had shifted, a subtle reminder that we still had a secrete to hide from the pack.

"Please follow me Alpha." I noticed the man's gaze didn't meet Andrew's.

I didn't know what to expect when I walked in, but I was very surprised to see the normality the office held compared to a human one. Posters about the body hung on the walls. A scale in the corner that measured height and weight. A jar of suckers for when the patient leaves.

"Please sit down right here." He directed as he pointed to a small bed in the center of the room
The doctor had already gathered all the supplies he thought were necessary.

As I hopped up onto the bed, Andrew took his place in a seat along the wall.

The doctor began to raise my leggings again but found it to be difficult due to the lack of stretch the fabric had. 
"This would be easier if you could take your leggings completely off."

A snarl came from the chair across the room. "If you want to live, I recommend you to never say that in my presence again."

"But Alpha-" he continued.

"Don't question my word."

"Andrew," I wasn't sure why I had said his name, but their attention was no longer directed to each other and instead, directed towards me. " - the doctor just needs to look at my knee."

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