Heart & Blood

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Choose a seat, not a side.
We are all family once the knot is tied.


It was less painful when I woke, my eyes meeting Andrew's as he urged me awake.
I groaned in denial, pulling the blanket back over my body before turning the opposite way from him. Andrew clicked his tongue with a sigh, grabbing for my blanket before throwing it to the floor.

"You didn't think it would be that easy, did you?" The weight on the bed shifted as Andrew crawled his way above me. "You must've forgotten who I am."

I rolled over to meet him, my hands reaching up to hold him in my arms. He gave in for a moment, entangling me in his hold as his lips trailed my jaw. Andrew nibbled my ear, jolting me completely awake now. I sat up, rubbing my eyes as Andrew filled the space beside me. His fingers danced at the hem of my shirt, lifting it slightly before his eyes drifted to the wound from last night. My eyes didn't find a wound though, instead a small scar lined my stomach just above the naval.

"Damn." Andrew mumbled, his thumb brushing over the spot tenderly.

A few faint knocks interrupted my train of thought, my hand reaching for Andrew's instinctively now. He didn't look panicked but his hand darted out and acted as a shield in front of me, head swiveling towards the door after making sure that I was okay. I squeezed his hand. "Who is it, Andrew?"

Andrew glared at the door for a moment before relaxing, planting a kiss on the top of my head before rolling out of bed. He opened the door without hesitation, Brooklyn filling the doorway as she greeted us with a smile. She pushed past Andrew easily and revealed a few more people waiting in the hallway. Brooklyn came to greet me with a small smile. "Get up you walking accident, we must get you ready for the Lunas arrival."

I got up slowly, testing how strong my body really was after last night. Andrew had resumed his place beside me, his hand resting on my back to steady me. My toes found the floor, my body wanting nothing more than to recoil from the cold floor and go back to sleep. Andrew had heard my thoughts, giving me a silent warning with his eyes.

Brooklyn helped me stand, holding on to my hands before leading me gently to the bathroom as the others she had brought with her piled in to. Once inside, I had just looked behind me as Brooklyn locked the bathroom door, leaving Andrew on the other side.

"Open the damn door, Brooklyn," Andrew growled, his hands trying to twist the doorknob.

Brooklyn placed her hands on my shoulders as she sat me down, turning back to call for her brother. "It's bad luck for humans to see their soon to be on their wedding day." She turned back to me, the look on her face showing less confidence than her words did as she looked down at me. 'Right?' She mouthed as she worried, taking another glance towards the door.

"Is it really?" Andrew asked, still sounding very annoyed from the other side of the door.

Brooklyn looked back at me expectantly, still waiting for my answer. I nodded my head with a light laugh, wondering what his reaction would be then. "Emily says it is, now go and get ready yourself!" We smiled at each other cheekily as Andrew's trail of curses filled the air.

Once Andrew had left the room, Brooklyn had given her party the signal to get started, showing no mercy as they began to work on me.

"These wolves standing before you are my best friends, Ash, Levy, and Jasmin." She pointed at them as she introduced them, looking back at the group with a proud smile.

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