Pardon Me

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Being sexy is all about your attitude, not your body type.
It's a state of mind, not appearance.

Emily's pov...

My heart could not be settled as it hammered harshly in my chest, caused merely by Andrew's presence and the happiness that gave me. We both longed for the time to hold and touch one another, Andrew resting his upper body against mine with his face buried in my neck. I could feel his breath fanning my skin, my fingers rubbing over his tattered body. I had noticed the wounds and new scars on his body, paining me to think he was hurting like that while he was away.

"Don't think about that." Andrew kissed my neck as a way to distract me, running his tongue over the skin before pulling lightly with his teeth. Like a deer in headlights, I was frozen by the pleasure of it, my mouth falling open to stop him but I couldn't mold the words into speech.

When I realized what he was doing a few heart beats later, I jumped to sit up, my hand going to wipe away the dampness. "Andrew! You can't just leave hickeys wherever you like!

He smirked, his eyes growing a little darker as they narrowed and he tilted his head to the side. "I can't?"

Stupid - horny, sexy old man.

Andrew lifted himself from the bed and looked down at his lap with a groan. His hand covered my eyes before I could notice his erection, the bubble of a chuckle filling his throat right next to my ear. "You're going to make me need a very cold shower."

I laughed, the sound foreign to me after not properly laughing for so long. It hurt too, but when Andrew smiled like that because of it, I couldn't help but give in. He rolled to the edge of the bed as he readied to go to the bathroom, my arms wrapping around his waist before he could completely get away from me. I was scared to let him go, not ready yet to pause our reunion.

"Emily - " Andrew groaned and leaned back into my hold, not giving in to me completely as he still waited to go.

"Hurry back, okay?"

Andrew nodded his head with a smile and lifted himself stiffly from the bed. He didn't bother closing the door all the way, leaving it slightly ajar so that the bathroom light peaked out into the room. I relaxed myself against the bed, eyes trained on the door as the sound of the bathtub filling peaked my interests.

That wouldn't be getting rid of his problem.

I closed my eyes and took some calming breaths, my heart definitely getting a workout from racing so much. Andrew returned to me alive and safe, I wasn't the only one relieved after seeing how the pack reacted to us being okay. I didn't want to think about what the outcome could've looked like if Andrew hadn't returned when he did. My skin crawled and I had to swallow the useless panic rising in me.

Things would be different now, better than before because Andrew and I trusted each other - and loved one another. We care about the pack, strengthening our bonds with the neighboring packs as well while we become one. I could feel the excitement already at what we would accomplish together, with this second chance.

"Emily!" Andrew's voice rose from the bathroom loudly, alarm rattling inside me at his tone, the sound of water still running caused me to climb off the bed quickly in fear that something was wrong. I pushed open the bathroom door, not aware of the force I put behind the push as it slammed into the wall behind it.

I flinched from the sound, mind focusing back to what had startled me in the first place as I searched for a breach or injury. "What's the matter?"

Andrew sat comfortably in the full bath, steam rising into the air while bubbles floated along the surface. He was fine, my stomach unknotting itself when Andrew offered me a sly smile, "You're not in here with me."

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