The Luna I Am

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I don't need your approval.
I will succeed no matter who's on my side.


Andrew's pov...

We had traveled to the place her scent disappeared, like she had merely flown through the air. I stood on my hind paws, sniffing the leaves in the tree for her smell though I couldn't find it. Shifting forms, my grip on the tree tightened as my hand left an indention into the trunk. The party behind me shifted their weight nervously as I paced my frustrations, my hands running through my hair to push the curls from my face. "So that's it then? I'm supposed to give up here?"

Emily was being hurt while I wasted time, my body aching along with hers as she received the pain. I tore apart the third tree that had stood a little too close to me, my eyes burning at this helplessness. The clouds rolled above my head promising rain, my breath catching in my throat as my mind carried away. If it rained I would lose her scent, all progress would be halted.

I thought of Emily, her fear of the storms automatically becoming one of my concerns. Who would console her from the thunder if I wasn't there?

Distancing myself from my group, I needed time to console myself as I mindlessly walked among the small area. I tracked the footprints, my eyes following the dried blood spatters until my nose caught the strong smell of her blood. I followed the scent as it led me to a denser area and the tall grass whipped at my legs in warning.

I had found the cause, holding it in my hand as I cleaned away the blood from her wedding ring.

Crying wouldn't get me anywhere, but Gods did it feel good to do so. I wanted to lay on the ground and scream, but the audience behind me wouldn't give me that satisfaction.

"Dameon." I beckoned him closer as he slowly made his way to me, standing at my side and looking into my hand to notice the ring. "I need a large group to travel with me to the Roland Knights pack, a group that can keep up with me and intimidate the hell out of them."

He nodded his head, his eyes clouding as he fulfilled my order. I rested my hand on his shoulder to grab his attention, Dameon's gaze returning to me normally. "Yes Alpha?"

"You're not going. Pick a group for yourself and stay behind to take care of things here, keep searching." He raised an eyebrow in question at me, a scowl brewing on his face at the thought of not getting to go.

"Will you behave yourself without me?"

I rolled my eyes and pushed Dameon away as he smiled softly. "I'm going to get help, Beta. No promises that there will be no casualties."

Dameon chuckled, beckoning Gale over with the wave of his hand. "I knew better than to assume anything different, which is why I'll send Gale with you."

I scowled at the thought of bringing that one with me, he approached us cautiously with thoughts blank and mind shielded. He stood beside me as Dameon left us to update Cantu about our departure, Gale's pheromones leaking with nervousness as he lowered his head and eyes to me.

"My Beta and Commander have boasted about your talents, now it's time for you to put in the work." Gale stayed silent beside me, his eyes boring down into my palm as he also gazed at the ring. "We're heading to Roland Knights, notorious for their strength and brutality too. You and Cantu will be going in Beta Dameon's place, understood?"

"Yes Alpha."


Gale could sense my sadness and irritation, remaining silent was his only option for survival. "At least we know she's alive."

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