Our Future

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Age is irrelevant.
Ask me how many sunsets I've seen, hearts I've loved, trips I've taken, or concerts I've been to.
That's how old I am.

"We're not done, Alpha Blood."

Andrew's pov...

My baby boy was fussy in my arms, not liking me as much as Emily right away. I cradled him closer into the warmth hoping that his frown would soften, then looking back at Doctor Cason as he prepared to deliver another baby. Somehow watching the scene play out before me wasn't enough for my startled brain to comprehend. "You mean - there's another one?"

Cason nodded his head slowly, eyes focused on the task at hand as I took a seat beside Emily. I held her hand as we fought through shock, her body already contracting again to deliver the next one.


We were having two - but I had only mentally prepared for one. I gave Emily a side glance, knowing her eyes were sealed shut so that she could concentrate. I wondered if that's why she had been so difficult during the whole pregnancy, always yelling at me for getting on her nerves.

"I heard that you ass!" She hissed through clenched teeth, not drawing the effort to look at me. I chuckled nervously to myself, still trying to wrap my head around the idea of being a father - of two. What was I going to do with two kids?

The wolf in me made the answer clear, my worries drowning to the back of my mind before a flame of determination burned within me. I would love them unconditionally. It wouldn't be difficult to, the small boy in my arms already held a place in my heart and he was only a few minutes old.

I stood from my seat, holding the baby with one arm before offering my assistance to Cason again, trying to not get too distracted by the overwhelming thoughts. My heart swelled with pride as I watched Emily suffer through the pain and discomfort quietly, our middles still numbed from the medication but the rest of our body straining to withstand the contractions. 

What would the other one be? Would it look like their brother? My mind couldn't help but race with the different possibilities, excitement warming my heart as I watched Cason ready to pull the next one. I readied myself, offering my hand to scoop the baby by the bottom while Cason held her by the arms.

"It's a girl, Emily - " I looked back at her reddened face, watching her trembling lips pull into a smile as she cried harder. It was hard to breathe with so much gathered emotion, choking on my own tears as Cason got the baby to start breathing. "We have a son and a daughter!"

I praised the moon goddess as the room filled with the babies cries, settling myself back down in the seat beside the bed so that Emily could see our baby. Cason brought over the little girl and Emily held her with the tenderest touch. I wiped away her face while she welcomed our pups into the world, her body forgetting the pain we had just endured almost instantly.

"What have you decided to name them?" Cason smiled genuinely, working on sewing Emily up as he began to clean the space. I looked over the sleeping babies as they began to settle, noting that our little girl had a head full of dark hair just like mine and her brother's. Despite being early, both infants were healthy looking with their chunky arms and legs - double chins when they were scowling.

Emily had left naming the daughter to me, our past late night conversations led us to prepare for this. We had talked about it and Emily had really liked the name of my mother, despite the awesome choice of Andrewfinna. "Our little girl - she'll be named Lua Blood."

Emily's hand grazed mine as her thought's fought to pull from the drowsiness of the medication. I leaned closer to show her that I was listening, ears straining to pick up the smallest of sounds so that if she sound anything I would hear it. "I think we should name the boy Dameon."

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