Pack Mates

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You can't choose who your family is, unfortunately.


We ate the rest of our lunch in a calm and friendly state. Andrew had worked himself down by eating his lunch and keeping focused on small things. After we had finished our lunch, I helped throw away our things before we readied to walk again, Andrew carrying the bags while refusing help. "What exactly are we looking for?"

"A pendant."
He gave me no other detail, his eyes focused on our surroundings again this time so we wouldn't have another accident.

"Will werewolves be there?"

Andrew's thumb began to brush mine as he consoled me. "Would that worry you?" His question was slow and a bit soft, almost as if he were unsure if it would be alright.

I thought back to Brooklyn and the woman from before who had spoken to me publicly calling me Luna. They had seemed nice to me so far.
"Should I be worried?"

"Of course not, I'm here now and I tend to have a more higher ranked class within the wolves than the people." He pulled me close to him with one arm, our casual stroll helped give my heart some time to calm. "Nothing will happen while we are here."

"Andrew? How come I wouldn't die but you would?" How could he say that to me without expecting me to question him? What did that mean for him? For us? Did that put our safety at risk?

"You weren't created from the Moon Goddess like I was." Andrew tossed his head back to look at me, the slight roll of his eyes only exaggerated his sigh. "It's not something you should fret over, love. It's inevitable."

We continued walking, Andrew slurping the rest of his drink down before shooting it into a trash bin near by with impeccable speed and aim. The only life I knew besides Andrew was the one that ended up with me sold. How on earth could I live if he passed? What would I do?

He laughed, lightly with the shake of his head clearly not understanding where my frustrations were coming from. "Emily I just told you -"

"I don't mean physically." I slightly walked faster than him. I'm not sure why this topic was so hard for me to grasp, maybe because of the fact that he was so okay with the idea. "Imagine if our roles were reversed."

He gripped my shoulders and turned me so I was facing him. We stopped close to the outside of the pathway, Andrew starting to roam my mind without thinking it.
"What's bothering you?"

I laughed softly, astonished that this was going over his head this easily.
"The thing is, I don't want you to ever leave me." I paused, halting in my words before fumbling to recover. "I can't stay there by myself, I won't do it."

"I won't leave you, Emily. Why would I leave you?" He gave a full-hearted laugh and bumped me with his elbow. He saw I wasn't feeling very humorous, he must've felt me fretting. "Could you imagine how much trouble you'd get into if I wasn't there?"

"You're Alpha, Andrew. Your life is full of danger, so you can't guarantee your safety. Please don't make promises you can't keep." I figured the time would eventually come, he had warned me before about how he couldn't always be by my side. The rogue's were taunting Andrew and if we didn't settle this soon, the pack could be in danger.

He cupped my cheek in his hand, drawing away any of my worries with his touch. "You'll run yourself ragged with those thoughts, too caught up in your own mind to accomplish anything." His fingers brushed my face as he got distracted. "I've lived for over five-hundred years my moon, and I'm just reaching my prime now that I've found you. What makes you think we couldn't rein another five-hundred years in peace?"

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