Our Bond

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My only regret is not taking more than one piece of Halloween candy when they offered.


Emily's pov.

I tried not to say it, bit my tongue hard enough to make it bleed to keep myself from speaking. I didn't know if it was the right time or how he would react - I knew that I could no longer hide from these feelings and it would be even more hard to keep something like this from Andrew.

I could feel his body tense against me, my face burning as he registered what I had said. Andrew had heard me, there would be no denying it. 

He resumed his pace, taking us to the house at a brisk pace. Was he angry? I looked over his face wanting nothing more than to rub the worry lines from between his eyebrows. Had I misunderstood? No. I had understood my feelings, my body rewarded me for confessing by sending exploding waves of tingles and warmth under my skin.

Andrew's hold on me tightened as we entered the house and ascended the stairs with ease. I could hear my pulse in my ears as we neared his room, my nerves only rising when Andrew slowly opened his door and carried me to the bed. He sat me on the edge gently, looking at the space next to me before deciding to sit on the floor at my feet. 

I waited for him to speak, wondering what had kept him so silent the whole way back. 

Andrew frowned with a sigh, his head lowered as he began. "The person I am with you - is not the person I am to others. Your mate is a liar, a thief. I am a murderer." He raised his head slightly, looking up at me with a pained expression before continuing. "You of all people deserve to know the truth. You deserve to know who I was before you."

He had told me before that he wouldn't share his past with me, and at that time I was too scared to not believe him. Now he wanted to open himself up to me - but I couldn't find it within me to be happy about it. Especially when he left his mind open to me and I could already hear the way he was disgusted with himself.

Memories not belonging to me filled my mind, completely taking over my vision and putting me in a new world. Andrew stood beside me, his attention occupied with a battle taking place in front of him, a raid more like, and he glared down at the fighting bodies with a wicked smile. I couldn't help but watch as Dameon came to stand at his side, the two looking at one another before slowly descending down towards the fight.

"I've killed - hunted and tortured, which I know isn't a surprise to you. I was filled with rage when I was younger, slaughtering everything in sight at times just so I could rein in my beasts. Men who were trying to save their families, women trying to hide their children. They were no exception either." 

I followed behind them, watching my step as I traveled over the uneven ground. Glancing at our surroundings, I didn't recognize this place and assumed we were far from Blood Moon territory. Andrew had interrupted the closest fight to him, his fists and body swinging wildly about him as he joined the raid. I had lost sight of Dameon, my eyes watching over Andrew as he killed those around him with a single blow. 

"All of those deaths - I pretend to not remember when others ask, when really I kept score like it was a game. All of them. I remember all of them."

He stood victorious among the bodies, his fingers tangled in the scalp of a dismembered head as he tossed it to the side and joined with Dameon who was cleaning the blood from his hands. Andrew wasn't finished as he stepped past the small group that had accompanied him and made his way into the houses to find the others who were hiding.

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