Sold To A Beast

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Everyone wants to be a Beast
until it's time to do what real Beasts do.

TRIGGER WARNING FOR THE FOLLOWING: ptsd symptoms, slavery, eating disorders, thoughts of self harm, thoughts of death.

I ignored the sting from the rusted chains around my wrist. The metal was now a deep brown color with a mixture of scarlet. The colors from rust or blood, I did not know. I also couldn't tell you how many have worn these exact same chains and what their fates turned out to be. But that didn't matter because it was my turn now. My turn for punishment. My sore flesh pulled and threatened to tear with every motion of resistance.

Forget the pain.

Find something else to think about.

I look behind me at the long line of the people and children waiting to be sold at this auction. An auction of beasts. Creatures who frightened children in their nightmares were here, stories for entertainment now turned into a horrific reality.

Not so silly anymore, huh Emily?
They've come to life because you weren't good enough. You're so screwed.

Demons, devil dogs, sirens, fairies, trolls, werewolves, imps, ghouls, pixies, goblins, witches, vampires, more and more and more. The worst beasts here were hybrids. They lay lurking among the shadows, too terrifying for other creatures to face. We, the livestock, have been notified that it will be best to just kill ourselves if we are offered to one.

Hybrids were created from two or more creatures combined. The forced genetics allowed them to be bigger, stronger, and faster than the average beast. It's said that the devil created them by hand, because nothing so disturbed or evil could have been created by God.

Emily - you don't even know if God is real -

The world's being taken over by these distorted monsters and we had no idea.

A ten-year-old girl cried in the distance, her plea echoed along the underground tunnel and filled my body with chills. She's been crying for an hour now. She's afraid and I don't blame her.

Everyone wore name tags showing: name, age, height, weight, and of any deformities that might make us less desirable. Mine hung around my neck like a noose, reminding me I was an item, not a being. It burned my skin.

Name: Emily Heart. Age: Twenty Two.
Height: 5'6. Weight: 147.

It sickened me to see some of the name tags. It made me question myself to the point of bile rising in my throat.

Name: Casey Smith Age: Ten
Height: 4'1 Weight: 88.

Suck it up. That wasn't even the worst one.

Some of the children and teens had already been rung through earlier auctions, used and abused until their previous owner wanted them no more.

This is my life now.

During the endless hours of my stay here, I've gathered some insight on how the auctions worked. Everyone of all kinds of ages, races and genders can be auctioned. And if you happened to like the same-sex, kudos to you. No one here cares about your preferences, whoever has the most money to buy you wins , meaning you can be sold to whoever and whatever.

Here is how and why our lives were signed away. The creatures who own these auctions reach out to those in need of money or looking for a severe change in their lives.

They prey on those that are homeless, wasted away, or those that are just starting to fall. Helplessness. They feed on the helpless. Sometimes your family needs money desperately and have to find peace in asking monsters for help. They reach out to you or your family, explain the process and the existence of supernatural beings, and then you're placed into an auction.

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