Father & Son

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He's adapting to the heat.
I was born from the flames.

Andrew's pov...

My bones broke on impact, the demon throwing me down harshly as I gagged up blood. Something inside me had been punctured, my body convulsing as I fought to heal.

If I didn't defeat this one soon, I would surely die again and lose the deal. I had yet to shift, saving my strength would have been a good excuse, but really I was just scared of the emotions and how they would control me if I were to hear her voice again. I didn't know if I could handle it.

The demons weren't taking it easy on me at all, each blow intended to kill me.

I lifted myself from the ground, catching the demon as it tried to attack me again. I diverted the attack, sending it flying away from me.

I couldn't keep from yelling my frustrations, each thought, breath and beat of my head was devoted to only Emily. Yet here I was, wasting myself away in Hell knowing my mate was blaming herself. I knew she was, that's who Emily is.

Killing Cain was not worth this torture.

I dodged the attack again, driving forward and catching it on the jaw with my flame engulfed hands. It's screams rattled the beast inside me that craved chaos, my ablaze fingers trying to pry its jaw apart so it could no longer bite me but not doing so in time before it got me, claws sinking into my sides to hold me.

Groaning with pain, I kicked the beast away from me and shifted into my wolf during the fall to the ground, landing on my paws before charging to attack it again. The smell of its burnt flesh kept me encouraged, claws extended before tearing down its body.

Wounded and shrieking in pain, I had almost sliced through it completely, the wound too severe for it to stand anymore as it laid on its side bleeding out. I raised my back paw, stomping down onto the head as his brain mashed between my paw pads.

I took a few steps away from the body before crumpling to the ground with a whine, withering at the pain my body was feeling while listening to Emily's voice crying for me.

"I miss you..."

Oh Goddess - I miss you too baby.

It was torture listening to her like this, having the feeling that she was merely inches from my touch - it was Hell. I couldn't end the suffering yet, shifting back into my human form meant my connection with Emily would be severed and I would no longer have a piece of her with me.

It was selfish, I know.

That idiot - though stubborn and annoying - was the only motivation for me right now, and I'll be damned if I don't return to her like she wants. I needed to suffer for leaving her and I needed to do it now, ensuring that when we were reunited I could love her properly right away.

"Come back to me."

If only you knew how hard I'm trying, my moon.

I craved for her skin to touch mine, the wolf in me begging to serve and love her and not taking the separation well.

My ears lowered flat against my head as I let out a low whine, belly sinking to the floor as I listened to her voice.

"Speak to me, I'm listening." She wouldn't hear me, but it made me feel a bit better to try everything I could to speak with her. The silence was killing me, why wasn't she saying anything again?

Has my absence - already been dismissed?

That couldn't be it, she sounded upset and broken, much like how I was feeling too. Had they given her time to heal? My lip curled in worry as a low growl rumbled in my throat, my jaws snapping lightly to release some tension. Had they pushed her right away without letting her grieve, there was no telling what kind of state she was in.

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