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You were never in control.
The monsters were.


Andrew's pov...

It's time to kill some bitches.

They had tormented me, hurting her like that to reel us in faster. I bent over in pain, holding my ribs as I cursed. Tatum looked at me wearily, stepping a bit closer to catch me if I collapsed. I held out a hand for him to keep his distance, giving in to the pain and completing my shift anyways.

"Alpha Blood? Are you alright sir?" Gale paced nervously next to me after shifting as well, his nose lifting to the air as he tried to catch scent of any blood or fever. 

"We need to go, they're hurting her." I pushed my group towards the direction of home, listening for the other Alpha's to shift and carry their groups to follow us as well. I called out to Dameon, letting him know help was coming and to meet me where her scent had faded, his response quick and ready.

"Yes Alpha Blood, we are heading there now."

I howled behind me for them to keep up, the Roland Knight's pack the only wolves' able to keep pace with mine. We swam across the lake, my claws digging at the sand at the bottom as I pulled myself quickly across. We were reaching the border again, my mind thinking of Gale though my body pushed for me to keep going. If he struggled again, I didn't think I could turn around and help him.

Cantu was worried for him, their mind's connecting as he gave Gale some words of encouragement.

I crossed the border, my ears flicking behind me to listen for any sound of him restraining. Gale leapt over the border behind me, eyes trained ahead and thoughts focused on Emily's well being.

My lungs labored while my ears picked up on the sound of Dameon's group as they ran to join us. Dameon had caught up with me, his nose pushing against my side as he heard me struggle to breath. Something was wrong, Emily couldn't get a decent breath and my lungs were on fire because of it. My wolf whined while my demon took control, adapting to the burn and growing resistance against it.

The other Alpha's didn't seem to be struggling like I was, so I assumed they were still in good condition to fight. I would need to find Emily as soon as I got there and heal her injuries.

I pushed onward with a snarl as we raced towards the collective sounds of the rogues heartbeats.


Emily's pov...

Sarah had appeared a little after, without any sign of Cain following behind her. When she saw me, she gasped and raised her hand to her mouth as she stared at me in disbelief. "You've taken it too far! If Alpha Blood doesn't kill us, Cain surely will!" Sarah pulled on one of my wrists, freeing me from dangling partially as the tip of my toes skimmed the ground. Clayton pushed her away from me and stood in front of me to defend.

"What the hell do you think you're doing? Andrew has to get past Alpha Cain first, and he assures us Andrew will be dead by then." Clayton pulled a knife from his belt, holding it underneath my arm as he drug it across my skin. I refused to scream as I closed my eyes, groaning lightly at the burn from the cut.

He readjusted my shackles and easily fought off my strength, pulling the knife across my arm again, this time a little deeper as blood dripped down to the grass below. "I know you're out there! I've enjoyed listening to your mate scream!" Clayton dug the weapon into my arm and I cringed away, refusing to scream like he wanted.

The rogues littering the small clearing were overwhelmed by a raid of wolves who plummeted from the brush, viscously snapping their jaws on the first one they could catch. Dameon entered the clearing as man, his eyes searching the area until his gaze landed on me. He shifted mid-sprint, his brown wolf darting past others as he raced to come get me. Clayton watched him, shifting too before charging forward to clash with Dameon.

Sarah had darted in front of me when it was safe, flinching away from the wolves who fought too close to us. She took hold of my shackles, my body falling to the ground with a grunt as I gasped for a real breath.

I looked up at Sarah as she tossed the chains to the side, claws extended and her face looked pained as she backed away from me. "I'm sorry Luna, I'm really sorry - !" Sarah was yanked into the fight a few feet away from us, a wolf grabbing hold of her shoulder and dragged her away from me until I could no longer hear her screams.

I rolled to my knees, crawling with my weak limbs towards the area of the hatch door. My fist thudded against the ground as I tried to find it from underneath all the loose dirt and rubble from the battle. When I had found it, I lifted the door and yelled for them below, my eyes only being met with darkness.

My straining lungs weren't used to yelling yet and I rolled to the side as they began to climb out from underground. Luna Birdy stayed by my side while the other Luna's joined the fight, eager snarls and howls filling the air at their return.

"Emily! What happened to you?" Christine tried to clean my face with her sleeve, her eyes filling with sadness as she looked at my injuries. Our reunion didn't last long, her snarl ringing right beside my ear as she lunged me behind me. Though she wasn't able to shift yet, the force of her strength was enough to knock Cain back a few steps. A rogue stepped out behind Cain, fighting off Luna Birdy's attacks as he pushed her into the fight.

I stumbled away as Cain advanced towards me, reaching out to grab me as he lifted me into his cage like hold. The moment his skin touched mine, a bellow that warmed my skin with tingles rang from across the clearing. Our heads turned at the sound, Cain's manhandling halted as we watched Andrew stalked towards us in a frenzy. The other wolves cleared the way for him, all fighting pausing for a moment while Cain and Andrew glared at one another.

"You're so much more trouble than what you're worth." Cain adjusted me in his hold, his hand covering my mouth as I fought against him. He raised a knife to my throat, pressing the point into my skin. "Take another step and I'll slit her fucking throat!"

Andrew stopped a little ways from us, his claws sinking into the ground as he growled at the command, his body shuddering at the thought of submitting to Cain. I could feel the anger rolling off of him, his eyes trained in the places Cain touched me.

"Shift." Cain's words were calm, very unlike the atmosphere that surrounded us. His hold on my face tightened as I grunted, my teeth digging into his hand though he gave no reaction.

The wolves around us shifted, I could finally see the faces of my pack mates and others as they looked towards us expectantly. Andrew stood bare before us, dropping to his knees as he looked up at me. We stared at one another as tears overwhelmed us and we could do nothing but silently cry. "I've found you - and I've come to take you home."

Andrew -

Happy tears fell down my face as I smiled at the sight of him, starved without his presence for far too long. Cain's hold on me tightened when he could sense my relief. "It's too early to beg, Andrew. Surrender your pack to me, or the both of you will die."

I shook my head at Andrew, my glare hardening when Cain threatened me with the knife again, dragging it along my neck lightly enough to just draw blood. I squirmed in his grasp, pulling my mouth free from his hand so I that I could speak too. "No! It's my pack too and I refuse to give them to you!"

Cain growled, pushing the blade into my neck further as I turned my face away. Andrew shook with rage, hitting the ground beneath him with solid hits as his knuckles bruised.

We were stuck, out of time and running low on options. I looked down at my worn, beaten and bloody body, noticing how it was affecting Andrew on top of his own exhaustion.

I clenched my fists, grinding my teeth as I glared at the ground below me. With one deep breath to reassure me, I had made up my mind and would give them another option.
I Emily Blood wish to break the eternal bond between my mate - !"

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