Something New

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I don't try to be sexy.
Sexy tries to be me.

This morning was different from than the others I had before when I had woken up next to Andrew. It was a little past one in the morning, my eyes boring into the ceiling for minutes while I prayed for my stomach to settle

Andrew laid over me, body heavily placed between my legs as he slept peacefully stuck to my skin. I swallowed the abundant amount of thick saliva in my mouth, growing more anxious by the second.

"Andrew." I dried away the sticky sweat patching on my neck with the back of my hand, groaning a bit as my fingers ran through his curls to try and stir him from his sleep.

"Already?" Andrew's eyes opened and stretched his limbs with a yawn, thumbs brushing the inner part of my arm. "You haven't slept much, do you really want to go again?"

I shook my head, fighting his sleepy and confused body as I tried to push him off of me. Andrew lifted himself from me in a rush when he noticed my desperation, my skin paled and I found myself pushing through the pain in my body to run the bathroom.

Swinging the door closed behind me, I crumbled in front of the toilet and emptied my stomach. My insides were burning, my stomach tensing before knocking the breath out of me with ever retch.

What a wake up call.

I pulled my hair back and away from my face when I could, flushing the toilet as I brushed the tears away from my eyes. My legs and arms shook as I forced them to hold me up, dry heaves forcing up my throat as a sharp pain jabbed against my lower back and stomach.

"Emily?" Andrew stood outside the door calling for me faintly, my voice not able to rise to call out and reassure him. Chills went down my skin making my teeth chatter, Andrew stepping through the door before his eyes found me on the ground. "Oh my Gods!"

He rushed to my side and fell to the floor beside me, holding onto the shoulders with his firm grip as he helped hold me up. Andrew rested his lips against my forehead, pulling away a second later as his eyes filled with worry. "You're burning up."

"Hurts! It hurts!" My hands folded around my front as I curled myself into a ball on the bathroom floor. Andrew left me, rushing to get back to me as quickly as he could with a couple of wet rags and a blanket.

Wrapping me tightly in the blanket, Andrew stared at my chattering teeth with concern and rested a wet rag on the back of my neck.

He cleaned away my face with the other rag, running over my mouth and cleaning away my skin from the sick sweat. "I'll take you to Cason."

I squeezed my eyes tightly and groaned in displeasure at that, sharp pains running down my thighs and lower back. "No."

"Emily." Andrew said sternly, waiting until my eyes refocused on him before he continued. "I could have seriously hurt your body, we need to go."

"I just want to sleep." I stood from the floor too quickly, Andrew's hands stretching out to steady me as I stumbled to the sink. "It's just a migraine and after pain."

I began to brush my teeth, my hand and fingers shakily holding the toothbrush with what little strength I had. I gagged at the texture and taste, rinsing my mouth with cold water before washing my face.

Andrew stood behind me nervously, mind dancing on the outskirts of my brain as he tried to pry for any hidden answers. He ran his hand down my back in uncertainty, looking at me through the mirror as he tried to persuade me again. "Cason could meet us here so that we don't have to leave, and I promise to make his time here short after a quick examination."

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