Our Infinity

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Eveyone has a purpose in life. Sometimes our purpose isn't a mission.
It's a person.


"NO!" Andrew fought to stand, Dameon and Cantu holding him from coming any closer. He glared at me in a maddened rage, his body emitting a glow as his skin warmed and the wolves struggled to still touch him. Andrew was furious with me and this betrayal.

"I'm sorry." My throat ached as I cleared my mind and focused on what needed to be done. Wasn't this what a real leader would do? Sacrificing their happiness for the people they care about?

Andrew leaped forward as his body began to break, two places on his forehead darkening before the skin broke from the pressure underneath. Sharp horns lengthened from his skin, growing backward to stand above his dark curls. Some of the Alpha's charged forward to keep him back, though they struggled to control him.

"Emily don't do this!" Andrew begged with a tormented whine that made the hair on my neck stand, the veins underneath his skin darkening with the tone of his voice. "We can figure this out together! You and I!"

Cain's hold on my neck tightened as he threatened to strangle me, clearly not wanting me to finish the break because I was the only one to sway Andrew. I clawed at him until his hold on me loosened enough for me to speak. "I Emily Blood wish to break the eternal bond between my mate Andrew Blood, and refuse the Moon Goddess's blessing!"

There was a collective roar of screams, Andrew's body straining as he tried to reach me. I waited for the pain, my eyes angled already to look at the Luna's nervously as they waited with worried expressions. I gasped in relief, my gaze meetings Andrew's once before my head fell back and I was looking at the sky.

Andrew huffed for release, looking down at his body as he steamed from the cooling air around him. He didn't feel any different either, looking at me as the tears evaporated against his face.

"The bond - it didn't break." Cain uttered in disbelief, he let me sag at his side as he looked between us in shock. I pulled my hands up to my throat to stop the bleeding while I could.

"It can't break." Andrew acknowledged, his lip quivered to expose his sharpened teeth, his eyes almost going black. "She's wasn't made from the Moon Goddess and neither am I completely. The mate bond is a gift that Emily and I don't have the power to break."

"Only makes my job easier." Cain snickered as he grabbed me, his nails extending into claws before he dug them into my side. I cried out from the pain and cringed in his hold.

Andrew snarled, the sound leaving my legs weaker than they were before as I slumped, Cain the only thing keeping me standing. "You can take my pack - but they have come here for a fight and they won't leave without one!" Andrew pointed towards the snarling leaders and pack mates, their eyes raging with hate that they hadn't fully released yet. "You won't be able to run from them."

"That would be rather boring if I did, now wouldn't it?" Cain smiled, beckoning with his fingers for the rogues behind him to come forward. There were a few strangled growls of denial behind me, deformed beasts moving to glower behind Cain. "Did you think that because you have a hybrid on your side you'd have the advantage?" The creatures moved to stand on either side of us, their eyes wild as they watched with a hungry whine. "How will you handle these I wonder?"

These hybrids couldn't keep their shape, their bodies in a constant morph between their forms. I shivered at the sight of them, worried at the damage they would bring if the other packs continued to fight against Cain. 

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