Let's Make A Bet.

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I tossed and turned all night thinking about all the new responsibilities I was going to have. I don’t know what’s going to happen but I’m glad I have Justin to go through this with.

I woke up that morning and Justin wasn’t beside me I finally found him sitting outside by himself. I sat down beside him “Good morning.” I said “Morning.” He said looking out at the beautiful yard. “Are you okay?” I asked

“Yeah.” He said still looking away from me I laid my head on his shoulder “You sure?” I asked “I’ve just been thinking about things.” He said “Oh…” I paused for a second then asked “Are we okay?” “Yeah.” He said finally looking at me. “Are you sure?” I asked sitting up.

“Yeah, everything just hit me this morning. We’re having a baby Aaliyah.” He said rubbing the back of his neck. “I know.” I said looking to the ground. “I’m scared.” He said leaning back against the bench. “Me too.” I said laying my head on his shoulder.


It’s been a few weeks since Jeremy’s Birthday, Justin and I went to my first Dr. appointment after we got back and I found out I’m way farther along than we thought, I was already 13 weeks pregnant which means I got pregnant when I visited Justin on his birthday.

So I was pregnant at Coachella and I had been drinking the first month or so after getting pregnant since I didn’t know but the Dr. did an ultrasound and the baby seemed to be doing fine. Later that week after we found out how far along I was paparazzi got pictures of Justin leaving a studio with Selena and they went to dinner and a movie.

When I asked him about it he said that they’re just friends and they were working on a song “Strictly Business” then the next day there were pictures of him and Selena at the zoo with Bruce and Diane which really made me rethink everything because I just feel like maybe you should be taking your pregnant girlfriend to the zoo with your grandparents not your ex but I don’t want to stress him out I know this is a very difficult situation and once the baby is here I’m hoping he settles down and we can do this together. I’m giving him some space to figure things out I understand he is scared, I don’t want to nag and push him away but I need him to do this with me.

 Tomorrow is the 4th of July and last night he was at the club with his friends. He’s been out at the clubs a lot lately but I’d rather him be there than with Selena, but today I have a Dr. Appointment he told me he’d come with me and if things go well we should find out the sex of the baby.

I grabbed my phone off of my stand and called Justin it rang a few times “Hello?” He answered in his raspy morning voice “Did you remember the Dr. Appointment at 2?” I asked “Shit baby.” He said “You forgot?” I asked “Yeah I’ll get ready now and meet you there is that okay?” He asked “Okay. See you there.” I said “I love you baby.” He said “I love you too.” I said hanging up.

I got dressed and examined myself in the mirror I look a little bloated but it’s nothing noticeable I’m glad I’m not showing too much because I haven’t told anyone here at the mansion yet I’m waiting until I start showing and can’t hide it, right now I just look like I just ate a 4 course meal.

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