Y/n and the Sisters

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Reese: "Y/n?"
Y/n: "Yes Reese?"
Reese: "Can you show us how to dance, we want to learn to dance like you"
Y/n: "Sure, show me what you guys can do"
Isla goes first
Y/n: "Yess Isla!!! So on beat!"
Svea goes next
Y/n: "I love those dance moves Svea!!"
Then Reese goes
Y/n: "Pure talent Reese!!!"
Y/n: "You guys are amazing!!"
Svea, Isla and Reese: "Thank you"
The guys go on stage and preform 'Trust Fund Baby'
Y/n: "Ooh, you guys wanna learn how to dance to this song?"
Svea, Isla, and Reese: "YEEAHHH!!"
Y/n: "Alright, I made dance moves to this song"
You show them how to dance to it and the song ends.
Reese: "That was so fun!"
Isla: "Yeah, let's do it again!"
Svea: "Thank you y/n!"
Y/n: "Your welcome cuties" Anna comes up from behind you and taps you shoulder
Anna: "Hey y/n, want to come take pictures with us outside?"
Y/n: "Yeah! Lets go!"
You walk outside and see a big fountain with a beautiful flower garden behind it.
Esther: "Here is such a good place for pictures"
Gabbie: "I agree the scenery is stunning"
Y/n: "Yeah, I didn't even know this was back here"
Ashley: "Hey y/n, did you tell the fam about you and Zach?"
Y/n: "Yup, just did that not too long ago"
Ashley: "Oh, how did Jordan take it?"
Y/n: "He asked Zach lots of questions. He's like a second dad, but at least Dad is more chill and cool with things"
Ashley: "Haha yeah i know!"
You take pictures with the girls and they post it on Instagram.
Y/n: "Alright girls that was fun but I'm going to go find Zach, I haven't gotten to spend time with him yet."
Sydnie: "Alright, just so you know, there's a bathroom over by the chocolate fountain with a lock, so go crazy."
Y/n: "Sydnieee"

End of Chapter 99

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