Shoe shopping with Ashley

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You guys walk around for two hours and bought shoes
Corbyn: "Alright, our trail ends here, Jordan and I will be at the gym catching up on bro time, see you guys back at the house"
You and Ashley: "Bye guys"
Ashley: "Finally, we can buy cute outfits without them being overprotective brothers"
Y/n: "Haha, right!"
You and Ashley look at the clothes for a while and didn't find any that caught your eye
Ashley: "Aw man the clothes in the other stores were way cuter! Too bad Jordan and Corbyn were with us."
Y/n: "We can look again tomorrow, how many days will you guys be here?"
Ashley: "Today, tomorrow and the day after we'll stay until 9 pm and head back to Virginia"
Y/n: "Okay then we'll look in other designer stores without Corbyn and Jordan here tomorrow, let's just continue looking for shoes.
After hours of more shoe shopping with Ashley, it got late and you guys bought almost too much shoes to carry
Ashley: "Omg, how much was all this?"
You look at the receipt and the numbers look so unreal, you show it to Ashley
Y/n: "That's how you know we're obsessed with shoes"
Ashley: "True haha"
You guys call an Uber and go home

End of Chapter 44

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