The Party

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The boys already got there to set up the place and make sure it's as good as you could imagine it to be. You walk in and see the boys in tuxedos on stage rehearsing 'Words I Didn't Say'.
Y/n: "You guys are going to preform my music?"
The guys noticed you all walked in and turn their attention to you guys.
Daniel: "Y/n, you look great!"
Y/n: "Thanks Dani!"
Jonah: "You're looking fabulous y/n!"
Y/n: "Thank you jojo!"
Jack: "You look gorgeous y/n!"
Y/n: "Thanks Jack!"
Corbyn: "Hey y/nnn, you look decent for once."
Y/n: *scoff* "Rudeee!"
Corbyn: "I'm just teasing you look amazing!"
Zach: "Wow, I am in amazement at how someone can look so beautiful and perfect"
Y/n: "Aw thank you Zach!"
Sydnie screams from the entrance
Y/n: "Sydnieee, omg!"
All of your guests arrive and you see some old friends from Virginia.
Tara: "Y/n! Omg! So good to see you again!"
Y/n: "You too thanks for coming"
Ally: "Y/nnnn!! You look so good!!"
Y/n: "Thank you sweetie!"
At this point everyone knows that you and Zach are dating, except your parents and Jordan. You sat down at your parents table and make a conversation before telling them.
Mom: "Y/n, you look as beautiful as ever, I hope you're having a fun time."
Y/n: "Aw thank you mom, I am"
Dad: "You've grown up so fast, you were just a little baby and now you're a beautiful young lady"
Y/n: "Thank you dad"
Jordan: "You look like someone threw up a blue ICEE"
Y/n: "Well, ouch"
Jordan: "I'm playing sis, you look good... for once"
Y/n: "You're a jerk Jordan"
Jordan: "Haha I know"

End of Chapter 97

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