The Beginning

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Corbyn has recently gotten together with four other boys to form a band called Why Don't We and if they asked you'd say wasn't the best of names but you're known for one to not complain.
Corbyn: "Hey y/n since I'll be moving to LA that means we won't be able to hang out all the time and play video games together, are you okay with that?"
Y/n: "Yea I understand that, I'll miss you big bro. Don't tell Jordan this but, you've always been my favorite brother!"
Corbyn: "Haha, I won't! But if you want me to stay here with you in Virginia I'll stay when you say the word.."
Y/n: "No, Corbyn, it's okay I'll be okay, I've got Jordan, Ashley, and mom and dad here I think I'll be fine."
Your eyes started tearing up, and Corbyn noticed
Corbyn: "Look, y/n, only we know what happened I'll never tell anyone but if you're still thinking about the past I'll stay here with you."
Y/n: "The truth is I don't want you to leave Corbyn, but I can't keep you to myself. I want you to achieve your dream, all I am is a roadblock."
Corbyn gets out his phone and calls someone
Corbyn: "One sec, y/n"
Corbyn goes off into another room and makes his phone call then comes back into your room
Corbyn: "Alright, I was on the phone with my manager and he says it's alright if you come live with me. But you still have to ask mom and dad alright?"
You give Corbyn a very tight hug and he hugs you back.
Corbyn: "Running.. out of... oxygen..."
Corbyn pretends to collapse
Y/n: "Omg, Corbyn, remember when you did that when I was little! I actually believed you hahaha!!"
Corbyn: "Can't speak right now, I'm dead!"
Y/n: "Oh Corbyn! Get up!"
Corbyn gets up and puts his hand on the door knob as he's about to leave the room
Corbyn: "Pack your bags y/n we're goin to LA!!"

End of Chapter 1

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