Disneyland Pt 1

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You wake up and Zach was already gone. You get dressed and go down to the living room where you knew the boys would be waiting and they were.
Jonah: "Okay now  y/n is here can we go now?"
Jack: "Wait, no! Gabbie isn't here yet"
Jonah: "Oh yeah I forgot"
You guys waited in the living room for a while and finally the doorbell rang and Jack ran to open it and greeted Gabbie.
Jack: "This is Gabbie, and Gabbie these are the boys, and Y/n."
Gabbie: "Nice to meet you guys"
You guys get in the car and Jonah drives to Disneyland. When you guys got there Jonah got off and met up with a girl.
Daniel: "So this is why you wanted to go so bad"
Jonah: "Haha yeah kind of, this is Tate"
Tate: "Hey"
Jonah: "Oh and Corbyn, you might want to look behind you"
Corbyn turns around and sees Christina
Corbyn: "CHRISTINAA!! I thought you were busy?!"
Christina: "I was! But I'm done now and I felt bad you had to leave without our full week being done"
Christina and Corbyn hug then kiss
Corbyn: "Thanks Jonah"
Jonah: "No problem bro, let's go!"
Once you guys walk in you all split up. Jonah and Tate walk off to go get shaved ice. Jack and Gabbie walked around the park together. Christina and Corbyn went in line for a few rides. Daniel went to go talk to fans. And you and Zach also got in line for rides but tried to stay away from Corbyn.
Zach: "This idea was genius"
Y/n: "What do you mean?"
Zach: "I told Jonah as soon as Corbyn got back from New York to get Christina to come to LA"
Y/n: "That's nice, you made Corbyn really happy"
Zach: "I did it for us y/n" he grabbed your hand and smiled.

End of Chapter 83

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