Disneyland pt 3

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Y/n: "Zach!" Zach turns around
Zach: "Yeah?"
Y/n: "I swear I just saw Corbyn and Christina, and maybe I was just imagining it but I think he was giving me a dirty look. Do you think he saw us?"
Zach: "Are you sure it was Corbyn?"
Y/n: "YES ZACH!"
Zach: "Uhh, let's just hope he didn't see us"
Y/n: "Okay just act like you didn't know they were there."
Your ride finishes and you guys run out and find Jonah with Tate.
Zach: "JONAH!"
Jonah: "What?"
Zach: "We think Corbyn saw y/n and I together holding hands"
Jonah: "Well I don't know what to do man, just come out to him. You have to eventually"
Zach: "He looked mad. Can you at least test his mood and see what he says?"
Jonah: "Fine, I'll text him"
Zach: "Thanks, text me what he says"
Zach grabs your hand and you guys run off to find Gabbie and Jack. You see them sharing a milkshake and go up to them.
Y/n: "Hi, sorry to intrude but Corbyn might or might not of saw Zach and I together..."
Jack: "Pffft HAHAHAHA"
Y/n: "Jack!"
Jack: "Sorry you're just screwed"
Y/n: "I know.."
Gabbie: "Jack you could be nicer, what if that was you"
Jack: "If that was me then I'd tell Corbyn the first day we get together, not hide it"
Zach: "Alright Jack we're done here, let's just go y/n"
After hours at Disneyland you guys go home

End of Chapter 85

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