Ashley's Talk

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Ashley walks into the room where she sees you crying your eyes out and packing all at the same time
Ashley: "Hey, are you leaving us?"
You looked up and didn't even notice she walked into the room. You stayed silent, you only wanted to speak to Corbyn.
Ashley: "Y/n, please, don't go, I know school might be tough on you bu-"
You suddenly got angry, she had no idea what you were going through, only Corbyn knew, how could she assume when all she and Jordan did was ignore her
Y/n: "Oh please, I'm not a stupid little baby who gets upset over school! I don't give a shit about school!"
Ashley: "Okay okay, look, I realize Jordan and I haven't always been here to talk, it's not that we don't care y/n, we just get caught up in other things that we don't have time, I'm sorry y/n, maybe just talk to me and we can sort this out together like sisters do?"
Ashley moved down to the floor with you and put her arms around you. You knew she felt sincere and you felt terrible for talking to her like that without knowing the full story. But you couldn't just easily tell her what was going on, it took Corbyn months of begging and begging and begging to get it out of you. So you lied
Y/n: "Nothing, it's nothing Ashley. I, I just wish Corbyn would of told me he was going, that's all"
You forced a fake smile on your face
Ashley smiled back
Ashley: "Aw, that's right, you two have always been partners in crime, huh?"
Y/n: "Haha, I guess so, same with you and Jordan though!"
Ashley: "Okay, now that you feel better can we go eat dinner?"
Y/n: "Do you think mom and dad will ask me what my whole scene was about?"
Ashley: "Oh, umm, I'm sure they won't"
Ashley smiled a reassuring smile that made you feel a little bit better, maybe you and Ashley would of been partners in crime if she wasn't so busy all the time.
You guys walked downstairs together and ate without anyone saying a word during dinner time.

End of Chapter 3

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