Teasing Zach

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You smiled at him and he smiled back then you checked behind you to make sure Corbyn still wasn't there
Y/n: "Yup, I came back only for you or else I would of stayed in the bathroom, but ya know it's much better here with you" you winked at him and you could seen him getting red
Zach: "Oh really?" He was checking you out again and smirked
Y/n: "Yes really" you put your arms around his neck and tilt your head, you could see him getting more red
Zach: "You are so beautiful" he put his arms around your waste which backfired and made you blush
Y/n: "And you're so cute" you got closer to him and leaned in
Zach closed his eyes and went in for it and you moved your head back and put your finger on his lips.
Y/n: "Nice try Zach" you smirked and got out of his grasp
Zach: "WHAT?! BRUTALL!!!"
Jonah, Jack and Daniel saw the whole thing go down and started laughing with you
Jonah: "Good job y/n"
Daniel: "Now THAT, was funny"
Jack held his hand up in front of him
Jack: "UP TOP!"
Y/n: "Thanks guys, JUST DONT TELL CORBYN"
Zach: "Wow"
You all started laughing and Corbyn walked out

End of Chapter 29

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