The Past part 1

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You started from when you arrived at the party
Y/n: "2 years ago I went to my first party, but it wasn't a party I belonged in, my ex-friend Cara, was... a slut, Cara was somehow dating a college kid named Michael and he was party of a fraternity club that was hosting a party that night, and also that night was an eighth grade dance, so I thought when Cara asked me to go to a party she meant that one so I agreed. It was then when she handed me a very showy outfit that I realized it wasn't an eighth party we were going to."
You stopped to catch your breath and tears were already rolling down your face
Zach: "it's okay y/n take your time"
Y/n: "She told me, it's a fraternity party we were going to and I knew that meant trouble, I should have known! I should have left, I should have gone home, but I went anyways. When we got there, girls were in the shortest dresses and skirts you could imagine. And for the guys they were hooking up with every girl there, and being complete douches. I stood with Cara the entire time and eventually she left me to go upstairs with her boyfriend and left me by myself. I knew no one, I was just standing there, so vulnerable."

End of Chapter 70

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