Forgive, But Must Go (End of Part One)

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Callies POV

"Callie, love, you need to breath." I haven't had an anxiety attack in months. I can't do this. I was finally able to steady my breath, I got up from the stool and went in to the living room and debated to run out the door or to sit down. I was tired of running, so I just sat and stared blankly at the wall.

"Callie?" Stef and Lena sat on the opposite sides of me with concern all over there faces.

"Its my fault." Stef immediately shook her head and wrapped her arms around me and let me cry in to her shoulder.

"Sweetie this is none of your fault. You hear me. Losing those babies wasn't your fault. And Brandon sleeping with someone else wasn't your fault either. Ok?" I just nodded my head, Lena rubbed small circles on my back, I don't know how long we sat there, until Jesus and Mariana came downstairs.

"Ummm is it ok of Jesus and I go to the movies with Emma and Zac?" I kind of chuckle, I don't blame them for wanting to get out of the house. I would to if I was them.

"Be home no later then 11, ok?" They both nodded there heads before rushing out the door.

"Love you!" They both yelled before shutting the door behind them. I awkwardly stood up and rubbed my nose before speaking.

"I am gonna go take a shower." Moms just smiled and nodded there heads. I slowly walked up the stairs, I heard music coming from Brandons room and it took me a minute to recognize the melody. It was our song, the one he played for me after we got back home from are first real date. I felt the newly fresh tears slide down my cheeks. It took all the will power I had not to burst in to the room and embrace Brandon. I finally took my hand off the door knob and walked in to the bathroom. I looked in to the mirror and started crying. I felt one the doors close and I turned to see Brandon. His eyes were red and puffy and he had tears sliding down his cheeks.

"Callie I-" he took a step towards me, I put my hands up and he stopped.

"Stop Brandon. Please." He nodded his head.

"I love you Brandon... I love you so much that it hurts. And you hurt me, and I want to forgive you. I know I will. I just can't seem to rack my brain around the fact that you slept with Dani." I took a deep breath and tried not to cry.

"Callie I love you. I fucked up, I know I did. I thought drinking would numb the pain because losing are babies didn't seem real at the time. I was drunk, and it just happened. But it mean't nothing Callie. Because I love you and I will fight for you, forever if I have to." I was now crying. Why is it so easy for me to forgive him? Why do I love him so much? I stepped closer to him and took his hands.

"If we are going to make this work, we have to be honest with each other. No secrets. Ok?"

"Of course. I want you and only you Callie." I smashed my lips to his and kissed him with such passion. I ran my hands through his hair, while he wrapped his arms around my waist. I turned on the shower and pushed Brandon in. We pulled away and both started laughing. I pulled at the hem of his shirt and he ripped it off, and pulled mine off me. I grabbed the buckle of his belt and pulled his pants down and he kicked them off while I wiggled out of my shorts. Brandons hand want to the clasp of my bra and he unhooked it.  He moved his lips to my neck and I dug my fingers in to his back.

-Next Morning-

"Brandon and Callie please come downstairs." I woke up in Brandons arms, I turned and saw the clock it was eight in the morning. We slept for tweleve hours. I shook Brandons arm, he turned over and groaned. I kissed him on the temple and I saw a smile appear on his face.

"Good Morning sunshine." He chuckled.

"Good Morning beautiful." I got out of the bed and put my clothes back on.

"Come on moms want us." Brandon got up, put his clothes on and we walked downstairs. 

"Please sit." Brandon sat on the love seat across from moms.

"Mom what is it?" Lena took Stefs hand in hers before looking up at Brandon.

"Your father knows," Brandons eyes widened and all color drained from his face. "And he wants to take Dani to court for the rape of a minor." Brandon just sat there in utter shock.

"But she didn't rape me." Stef nodded her head.

"Brandon I said that to him. But part of me is on your fathers side. Dani should have known what she was doing was wrong and should of stopped it." Brandon got up and took a deep breath.

"I am going back to sleep, I can't handle this right now." With that he went upstairs.

-Later that night-

While everyone was getting ready for bed. I was sitting at the top of the stairs listening to Stef and Lena talking down stairs. They were talking about Brandon and how he changed and seemed like it was all my fault that they felt this way. I was the reason he became this way.

"What happened to our son?" Stef said and that hit me like a ton of bricks. I am what happened. I ruined his life. I got up from the stairs and went in to Marianas room. I endded moving my stuff back in after the accident.

"Hey Cal, I am gonna take a shower you need in the bathroom at all?" I just shook my head.

"You ok Callie?" I looked at her and smiled.

"I am fine." She knew not to pester any farther and went in to the bathroom. When I heard the water run I pulled out a small wooden box from under my bed, opened it and counted the money in. I had about $500 from taking pictures for some classmates and doing chores and plus two hundred Donald had gave me as a gift I guess. I then got the duffel bag out of the closet and my back pack. I stuffed all my clothes in the duffel bag and then in the backpack I put the money, two pairs of shoes, and other stuff. I set the bags in the back of my closet and then put my leather jacket under my pillow. I laid down and pulled the comforter over me, shut my lamp off and pretended to fall asleep.


Everyone was asleep, I could hear Mariana snoring across the room. I got out of the bed quietly. Set my phone in my empty drawer. Put on my boots and threw on my leather jacket. I quietly got my bags out of the closet, and grabbed the picture frame that had a picture of all the family and the ultrasound picture.

I walked down the stairs and sat at the table in the kitchen. I needed to leave letters and tell them why I left. I wrote one to all of them. Brandons was the hardest to write. I almost backed out of deciding to leave but I had to do this, I had to. When I was finished I sat a letter on each of the stools. I looked around the place I had come to call home and felt a fresh set of tears slide down my cheeks. I grabbed my bags, and walked out the door.

"Where to miss?" The perky women behind the counter at the travel bus station asked me smiling wide.

"One way ticket to Baton Rouge, Louisiana, please."

Ok so you are probably a little confused. But I promise all will be explained in Part Two. So this was the last chapter of Part One. I am just gonna continue Part Two on here instead of making a whole new story thing for it. So I will have the first chapter of Part Two up in a few days. So you won't be confused for to long. Please vote and comment what you think. As always love ya'll!

-Marie <3

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