Unexpected Visitor

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2 months later

Brandon's POV

Everything was going great, Adaline is getting bigger and more beautiful each day. The twins absolutely adore her, especially Landon he is so protective of her and Colleen, he loves his sisters. Callie is just over the moon with are family finally being complete. And I am just the luckiest man a live, I have a beautiful wife and three amazing children. What more could I ask for?

The twins were at school and Callie took Adaline with her to run some errands, so I was home alone. I decided to clean up the house and pay a few bills so Callie didn't have go worry about any of it. When I was done vacuuming the living room there was a knock at the front door. I go to open the door expecting it to be mom's or something but it wasn't.

"Talya?" It has been five years since I last saw her and she didn't change at all just that she cut her hair shorter and it suit here well.

"Hey Brandon, long time no see?" we both chuckled and gave each other a hug.

"What brings you here?" Talya bit her bottom lip before gesturing for someone to come to the door. I little boy appeared and my eyes grew wide. Aside from his red hair he was spitting image of me.

"Brandon this is Collin. Uh he's your son." I felt like all the air left my lungs, I stumbled back a little, this could not be happening. Collin looked between Talya and I, his green eyes bright as he looked up at his mom. When I could collect myself I knelt down to Collin's level.

"Hey buddy I am Brandon. Do you like toys?" Collin smiled wide and nodded his head furiously.

"Well in that room over there, there is a bunch of toys. Why don't you test them out?" Collin looked up at Talya and she simply nodded her head yes and he darted for the room. I watched as Collin immediately went for Landon's toy cars.

"How old is he?" Talya sighed and fumbled with her hands.

"He will be five in January (A/N: it's currently May)"

"So he is a year younger then the twins. (A/N: they will be six in November)"

"Well would you like something to drink?" Talya just shock her head no and slowly walked in to the house.

"You have a lovely home." I motioned for her sit and she cautiously did. I sat in the chair across from her and ran my hands through my hair.

"This is almost Deja Vu to me. Callie kept the twins from me for almost four years and now you." Talya wiped a tear from her cheek and laid her hands a top of her purse in her lap.

"Brandon I wanted to tell you. Believe me. But you were in a bad place and I just didn't want to hurt you or ruin you more. And my parents weren't to happy that you were the father." I looked over to where Collin was and he was now was taping his fingers on Landon's keyboard.

"Does he play?" Talya nodded her head and wiped the tears that were sliding down her cheeks.

"I got him a keyboard for Christmas last year. He loves it!" Just then Callie walked through the door with Adaline in her car seat.

"Hey babe sorry I took so- TALYA!" Callie set Adaline down gently before pulling Talya in for a hug.

"Oh my god it's been so long!" Callie exclaimed as she embraced Talya.

"Six years." Talya chuckled.

"Callie there is something Talya and I have to tell you." Just then Collin came running back in to the living room.

"Mommy I am thirsty." Talya knelt down to his level and looked up at us.

"Uh yeah let me go get you some water bud." I walked in to the kitchen and grabbed one of the twins plastic cups and filled it up. My hands were shaking like crazy.
As I approached back in to the living room I heard Callie gasp. I rushed back in to the living room. Talya was holding Adaline and Callie was looking at Collin with all color drained from her face.

"Oh my god." she put her hand over her mouth.

I looked at Talya who just looked down and smiled at a giggling Adaline.

"He is yours isn't he B? He is a spitting image of you aside from the red hair." I felt the tears well up in my eyes.

"Callie I just found out an hour ago that he even existed." I set the glass down and took a step towards Callie.

"Don't!" she put her hands up.

"When did you two have sex?" I looked at Talya who finally sighed and set Adaline in her swing.

"About a month after you went missing." Callie stumbled back and gripped on to the couch .

"Oh my god." I tried once again and tried to approach Callie but she walked over to Adaline and took her out of the swing and put her back in the car seat.

"Callie were are you going?" She grabbed her keys and purse and opened the front door.

"Mom's I just need some time to think if I can accept this or not." And with that she grabbed Adaline's car seat and walked out the door.

"Fuck!" I turned around and punched the wall cracking the dry wall. I heard a gasp and then silent sobs. When I turned towards Collin my heart broke and I fell to my knees.

"I am so sorry."

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