Baby Shower and the Unexpected

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(Callie's outfit in the media)

7 1/2 months later

Brandons POV

Callie is due any day now.  We decided to keep the gender a surprise, and the twins are beyond excited to have a new baby brother or sister.  Its all they talk about.  We ended up selling Roberts house and split the money with Sophia. Soph shares the vacation house and boat with us.  And Sophia is currently staying with us until she starts college in the fall. 

"Hey Brandon." Sophia came in to the kitchen with the twins hot on her tail.

"DADDY IS MAKING PANCAKES!" Colleen yelled and Landon jumped for joy.  The twins were now five and rambunctious as ever. 

"Shhhh. Mommy is still sleeping." They put there fingers to there mouths and mocked me and then giggled to themselves.  They were something else.

"Daddy when is Aunt Lilly coming to visit?" Landon had a crush on Robin but he tried to hide it.

"Landon wikes Robin!" Colleen cheered and Landon's face turned a bright red.

"Stop Colween!" Sophia and I just chuckled.

"I can't wait to have kids of my own." Sophia said while handing Colleen her plate.

"That better not be till you are at least 30." Callie said as she waddled in to the kitchen. She gave me a peck on the cheek before going to the fridge.

"Morning babe." she mumbled, I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her neck.

"How are you feeling love?" she shrugged her shoulders and placed her hands on top of mine and looked down at her bump.

"Lincoln needs to hurry up and get here."

"You mean Elliana." Callie chuckled and shook her head.

"We will see soon Foster."

"Mommy?!" Callie pulled away from my grasp and walked over to Landon.

"Whats up buddy." she ruffled his bright blonde hair.

"I love you!" Callie smiled and gave Landon a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you to baby boy."

"What time is the shower today Soph?" Callie groaned at the mention of the baby shower.

"Its at 2 and I got passes for you and Landon for the amusement park." Landon cheered and continued to shove pancakes in his mouth.

"Well its 10:30. Come on Landon lets go get ready!" Landon ran upstairs. I went to follow him but Callie pulled me towards her.

"Don't make me go through this!" She laid her head on my chest.

"Its just for three hours babe. You will be fine." She sighed and looked up at me.

"Kiss." I gave a soft passionate kiss.  An awww came from behind us. Sophia stared at us and was smiling.

"You guys are just the cutest!" and with that I went upstairs.

Callies POV

I finally slipped on my red heels. I ran my hands through my hair and sighed before walking down to the kitchen. Mariana was feeding Veronica while Sophia and moms sent everything up.

"Where is Lexi?" Mariana looked at me and smiled.

"You look good Cal!" she gushed without answering my question when she went to burp Veronica,  Stef and Lena turned towards me.

"Lexi is on her way she had to grab something." I simply nodded before grabbing a jar of pickles and Nutella.  I dipped the pickle in the Nutella and when I took a bite everyone stared at me in disgust.

"Pregnancy cravings." I said between bites. Mariana laughed and moms went back to setting up the food.

"I totally understand. With Ronnie (Veronicas nickname) I craved vanilla ice cream with tomato juice." Veronica smiled as Mariana lightly bounced her on her leg. 

"She looks so much like you Mari." Veronica laughed and hit her hands together.

"Lexi is here!" Sophia called from the living room.  I took Veronica from Mariana so she could go help Lexi.

"Are you excited to have a new baby cousin?" I cooed and Ronnie giggled and smiled at me.

"Well look at my beautiful best friend." Robin ran up to me.

"Aunt Callie!" Robin hugged me. I handed Ronnie back to Mariana and picked Robin up.

"Hey baby girl. I have missed you!" I gave her a squeeze and kiss on the cheek.

"Aunt Callie is Colween here?" I nodded and set her down.

"I think she is in her room." Robin ran upstairs and Lilly immediately engulfed me in to hug.

"I've missed you so much Cal." We both had tears forming in are eyes.

"I missed you to Lil, so much!" Lilly pulled away and smiled at me.

"I am so sorry about your dad." I gave her a forced smile.

"Thanks. How is John?" I always try to avoid talking about my dad.

"Great actually. I have something to tell you." Lilly smiled wide and sat me down.

"I'm pregnant!" I put my hand over my mouth and then pulled her in for another hug.

"That's amazing! Oh my god!"

"And there is one more thing." She handed me a paper. As I read it, tears filled me eyes.

"You are moving to San Diego?!"Lilly smiled and nodded her hand furiously.

"John made partner at his law firm but he turned it down to relocate to a smaller firm. So his buddy from college owns his own firm here in San Diego and he offered John to join and John couldn't turn it down. He now works at Watson & Henderson." 

"This is better then any baby shower gift I am going to get today." I pulled Lilly in for another hug.

"Callie the guests are arriving. Come on!" Lilly helped me up, and I waddled to the front door.

The shower was actually fun and went by faster then I thought.

"Hey Cal wanna run to the store with me?" Lilly grabbed her keys, I grabbed my purse and walked over to her.

"Sure."  When we got in to the car, Lilly popped in a CD she made.

"Turn it up!" We drove and sang. The baby was kicking like crazy. He/she always kicked when I listened to music or would sing.  Once we arrived at the store, I slowly waddled to the door.

"It looks like its gonna storm." the clouds were rolling in and they were dark.

"We should hurry up." But a soon as we walked through the door, tornado sirens went off and there was a loud splash, Lilly looked at me and I was starting freak out.

"My water broke!"

A/N: I'm back! Sorry I took so long to update! I will try to update more often. This story is slowly coming to an end. Only a few chapters left!

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