I Promise

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Brandons POV

Once I was finished cleaning the dishes, I heard someone run down the stairs, I turned around and saw Callie heading towards the door.

"Callie where are you going?" she spun around and you could see the anger in her face and felt it radiate off her body.

"Why should you care Brandon?" I was kind of taken a back by her words.

"Well you are my girlfriend and you are carrying are childern. " she rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"Well I am sure Sammy can comfort you if something happens to me." wait Sammy? Sammy who? Oh shit, she probably saw the texts.

"Cals thats not what you think-"

"Really Brandon because it seems like you are talking to another girl, while you are with me and you are the father of are unborn childern!" I try to calm myself down and take a few breathes.

"Sammy is just helping me with something important thats all." I knew she wasn't gonna accept that awnser or drop it.

"What if its so important then why go to another girl when you have me your girlfriend!" I couldn't tell her it is supposed to be a surprise.

"I can't tell you Callie." her eyes went from anger to hurt.

"Well until you can tell me Brandon,  I am gonna stay in Marianas room." with that she opened the door and slammed it behind her.  Well that went well.

"Hey, B where did Callie go? And why is she by herself?!" I looked at my mom and just felt guilty and stupid.

"We got in to a fight."  My mom sighed and patted the stool next to her and I sat.

"So what happened?"

"Ok well I am having Aidens older sister Sammy help me pick out a promise ring for Callie.  Well Sammy must have sent me a text when I was doing the dishes because when Callie came running down the stairs pissed off,  she mentioned Sammy.  I told her I couldn't tell her why I was talking to Sammy and thats what made her leave like she just did. I am so stupid." I took a breath before my mom finally spoke.

"B, don't you think its a little to soon for a promise ring." I let out a chuckle.

"Really mom out of all of that, thats what you got from it.  I already got Callie pregnant, is a promise ring even that bad." she smiled.

"Good point.  B, I would go find her and tell her the truth because I know how much you love her and we for sure do not need her getting hurt either."  I nodded my head and gave my mom a hug.

"I love you mom."

"I love you to B." I grabbed my keys, phone and ran out the door.  I knew exactly were she was going.

Callies POV

I buried my toes in to the sand and sat along the shore of the beach.  There was a small breeze that calmed me down and I laid back and looked up at the stars.  I knew being stressed wasn't good for the babies so I knew coming to the beach would calm me down.  Brandon is such a idiot sometimes but I still love him.  But what was so important that he couldn't come to me for help or ask me.  I mean it can't be that serious, could it?  As I keep looking up at the stars I hear footsteps approach me,  I don't bother to look because I already knew who it was.  Brandon laid down next to me.

"Callie I am so sorry." I finally look over at him and despite the darkness I could still see his bright green eyes.

"Thats it?" he sighed and looked up at the sky.

"Sammy is Aidens older sister, she was helping me find something for you."  I looked over at him with a confused look plastered on my face but he remained looking up at the sky.

"What is it." he sighed again before looking back at me.

"A promise ring."  I felt my heart well up and I tried my hardest not to cry.

"I am such an idiot." I sat up and I felt Brandon pull me in to his warm embrace.

"You are not an idiot Callie."  he rubbed circles on my back and I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"What were gonna say to me when you were gonna give me the ring." he looked over at me and smiled.

"Stand up." I did as he told me to and he stood up and took both my hands in his.

"Callie Quinn Jacob,  I knew you were gonna be someone very special to me from the moment i saw you.  Even though you tried acting tough and strong.  I saw a beautiful broken girl who just needed someone to love and care about her.  I never imagined that I would have fallin in love you like I have. You are my one in million, you are my whole world.  And I wouldn't want no one else to be the mother of my childern.  You are going to be a great mother and I hope one day to have the privlage to call you my wife.  But until then I promise you that one day I will put a real ring on your finger and you will become Callie Quinn Foster.  I will love you forever always babe."  tears were streaming from my eyes, Brandons hand careesed my cheek before he pulled me in for a passionate kiss and we fell on the sand.  I finally pulled away breathless.

"I love you B.  Forever and Always." he smiled.

"Forever and always." as Brandon went to lean in for another kiss, his phone rang.

"Hello?" "What happened?!" "Ok we will be right there." Brandon helped me up and I saw tears began to well up in his eyes.

"Brandon what happened?" 

"Mariana got shot."

Hope ya'll liked it, the next chapter is gonna be up soon.  I love the comments you guys leave, you are aweosme and once again thank you for the reads, it always makes me happy to know people actually read this and even like it.  Ya'll are the best, please vote and leave comments. Love ya'll!

-Marie <3

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