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A/N: Ok so in this story Stef never got shot so Mariana is still in contact with Ana.  And Callie doesn't know about her dad yet.  But he will be in the story, just in a different way, she will eventually find out about him.

Marianas POV

I shouldn't be here, I shouldn't be helping Ana. But I felt like I had to, or needed to. I don't know but once I get her in to a womens home I will cut all contact off with her... maybe.  I make my way up to the run down house, its dark out and I feel like someone is following me.  I hear whistling in the distance, I pull my jacket tighter over me.  I open the metal screen that makes a loud screeching sound. The door is cracked open, so I slowly open it. 

"Ana?" No awnser, I see drugs on the coffee table and blood on the carpet.

"Ana are you her? Its Mariana." I go in to the kitchen and all thats there is dirty dishes everywhere.  I turn in to one of the rooms and its empty.  I go to open the closet door when I hear footsteps behind. When I turn around, Ana isn't there its a big guy with tattoos covering his arms. With a gun in his left hand.

"Who the hell are you?!" I put my hands up in hopes he won't shoot me.

"I am Mariana Foster, I am looking for my birth mom Ana Gutierrez. She said she would be here." My voice was shaky and I was on the verge of tears.

"That whore is gone, I took care of her." He was obviously coked out and drunk.  He lifted his gun and pointed straight at me.

"Please don't, I will leave and I promise you I won't tell anyone about-" everything happened so fast, all I remember is Stef comes barging in the room with her gun aimed at the man.  I then feel a sharp pain in the side of my stomach. I fall to the ground and the last thing I remember is hearing the ambulance sirens in the distance.


I hear beeping, and something is on my face.  When I go to grab what is the oxygen mask off, I feel a hand stop me.  When I finally open my eyes I see Zac standing there he was holding my hand and he looked so scared and broken.

"You scared me." he looks down and rubs his thumb over my hand.  I feel a tear slide down my cheek.  I pull the oxygen mask off slightly.

"I love you." Zac's head darts up and I can't tell if he is happy or scared.  We have not said those words to eachother,  I mean we have only been together for about two monthes. 

"I love you to Mariana." I smiled and he pulled the mask from my face and gave me a soft kiss on the lips.  I was almost sad when he pulled away.

"I am gonna go get your moms." I nodd my head slightly.  When he leaves the room,  I try to remember what excatly happened, but it was all a blur.  Not even two minutes later Moms come rushing to my bedside.

"My sweet baby girl you scared us." Stef took my hand and kissed it before rubbing her thumb across it.

"Never scare me like that again.  I can't lose you, your my little girl." I used what strength I had and wiped Lenas tears off her cheek.  She held my hand to her cheek and smiled. 

"Look whos awake. Hello Mariana I am Dr. Quinn." Quinn? Thats Callies middle name right? I don't know. Whatever.  I pulled the mask from my face and looked Dr. Quinn straight in the eyes.

"Can I get the nose oxygen thing instead, I would like to be able to talk with not having to pull a mask from my face every five seconds."  he laughed and nodded his head.

"I will get your nurse on that, I promise.  From what your X-rays show, you should have a smooth recovering, sense the bullet didn't hit any vitle organs.  So you should be able to go home in a few days. Just no over doing it, page your nurse if you need anything, ok?" I nodded my head and rolled my eyes.  I am not as dumb as I look, geez.

"Thank you doctor." he smiles and walks out, then who seems to be my nurse walks in.

"Hi Mariana, I am your night shift nurse, my name is Sheila.  I am just gonna check all your  vitles and see if we actually need to keep you on the oxygen, ok." I just nodded my head.

"Ok sweets, Zac said he is gonna stay with you while we take everyone home to get some sleep, you ok with that?" Moms look at me with there we love you, but were tired look.

"I am fine, promise." they both smile and give me kisses on the forehead and leave.

"Well Mariana it looks like you are fine to take the mask off." I smile in relief and literally yank from my face.

"Well page me if you need anything and I will back in a few hours to check up on you." Sheila seemed to happy for my liking which is shoking because I am usually to happy for other peoples likings.  When Sheila leaves, my eye lids get heavy.  I feel asleep but could still feel Zac kiss me on the forehead.  

Callies POV

Brandon kept bouncing his leg, and kept rubbing his temple.  I put my hand on his thigh, he looked up at me.

"B, she is gonna be fine, Mariana is a fighter." he forces a small smile on his face and gives me a kiss on my temple.  Lena and Stef come back in to the waiting room, we all rush up to them.

"She is gonna be fine, the doctor said she should make a smooth recovery and should be home in a few days.  But Zac is gonna stay with her for the night, so you guys can vist her tomorrow." we all nodded are heads.  Jesus looked so broken, he has been through a lot in the past two monthes.  He was the one to find Brandon in the bathroom unconsious and he knew what Mariana was doing and he feels like its his fault she got shot.  As we start leaving I let Brandon walk ahead of me.

"Jesus?" he just turns to me and starts to cry, I pull him in to a hug and make sure no one sees him cry.  I just let him cry in to my shoulder.

"Its all my fault Callie." I shake my head.

"Jesus it is not your fault,  just because you knew Mariana was in contact with Ana doesn't mean you knew it was gonna get this bad.  So do not blame yourself ok." he pulls away and wipes the tears from his eyes.  He smiles a little.

"Thank you Callie." I smile.

"What are friends for." he just shakes his head and chuckles. "What?"

"Callie just because moms aren't adopting you doesn't mean your not family, you will always be a sister to me." I feel tears well up in my eyes.

"Thanks Jesus." he gives me a pat on the side of my arm before making his way outside.  As I am about to walk out of the exit/entrance.  I see Greyson get wheeled in by a guy about my age who I assume is her boyfriend.  She sees me waves and smiles, I go to say something but her boyfriend was moving the wheel chair to fast.  But then an older man caught my eye.

"Weasley wait up, Greyson needs her purse and hospital bag.  I also don't wanna miss the birth of my first grandchild."  I feel my eyes widen because I finally know who he is.

"Donald Jacob?" he looks at me and his eyes widen.


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I love your comments and thank you for the votes, like always you guys are amazing! My summer break has been so busy with work and softball but I will try to update as much as I can.  And you guys should like go follow my fosters instagram fanpage ;) Its @thefostersislifee 

Well vote and leave comments.  And thank you for the reads! Love ya'll!

-Marie <3

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