Chapter 34

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Alex and Jack Jr. are the cutest, they do not like to be in separate rooms, they cry. No they scream. Ayden is always by my side, helping with them, he's gonna be a good big brother to them. I think he hasn't left my side because he feels threatened by them stealing all the attention but he has a special place in my heart that no one ever will. It's different to connect with a child that isn't yours and to have a bond like an actual mother and son.

I will remind him of his parents so he knows I'm not replacing them, I'm helping his parents keep their name going and I will see if he will want to start his pack up again when he's old enough.

We've been home for about three weeks and its been smooth. Matt and Paisley spoil the babies and still include Ayden in everything. Dylan comes down today with his mate Fiona. Dean and Linda are in the living room entertaining the babies and Ayden is helping me cook. They are happy to be here, and I'm happy to have them. They understand Jack has a family and they can't take him out 24/7 they can stay here as long as they like though and I think Jack would like that the most and Ayden. He is attached at the hip with them, he loves his grandparents.

"Mommy do you think my other grandma and grandpa will come over here to see me?" I stilled in putting cookies in the oven.

I put them in and turned to my baby sitting on the counter beside me. Always seeking acceptance. I wish he could see how much he meant to us all, and I think I will have to reassure him growing up and I have a great idea on how to do that.

"Yes baby, it takes time for them to see the greatness in front of them, some people have wool pulled over there eyes they only see what they believe they can handle, but underneath that wool, they are as strong as you and me hunny, I love you Ayden bug, you have a piece of my heart and it's yours to keep for forever." I smiled at him and pulled him into my arms nuzzling into his neck.

"You have all of my heart momma." He whispered.

Tears ran down my face. This boy has turned me into a softie.

A beep filled the room and I pulled back.

I wiped my face and smiled at this handsome little boy.

"I'm gonna write you letters that tell you how much you mean to me baby, and I want you to read them when you feel upset. Now, its time for dinner, go get your grandparents and the babies, I'm gonna get your daddies because Dylan and Fiona should be here any minute with Matt and Paisley."

He jumped down hugged my leg and ran off. I walked upstairs and found Ben and Jack asleep on the bed. Feet in each others faces and drooling. My boys have been working their butt off with Alex, Jack Jr., me, Ayden, the pack, and Dean and Linda.

I walked to the bed and softly nudged Jack awake.

"Hey dinner is ready, the other should be here in a few minutes, plus two other guest. Get dressed baby." I whispered and brushed the hair out of his face.

He groaned and hugged the pillow tighter.

"I know you're tired Jack, but you have to eat. I'll give you and Ben a massage tonight if you come eat dinner with us please, I have a surprise for Ben to." He nodded, his face still in the pillow.

He got up and took the covers with him.

"Jack!" I whispered angrily. He is so mean to Ben i swear. He sighed and dropped them. I gasped at his back and hips.

"I thought you were tired because of the babies you ass. You two have been getting busy because I can't do anything for three months for pushing out two babies." I narrowed my eyes at the love bites on his back and bruises on his hips from Ben. They lied and said they would wait for me. Hmph.

"I'm not massaging either of you. Wake Ben up, I have other stuff to do." I said and walked out slamming the door.

'Don't you dare follow me or I'll cut off your balls.' I linked Jack.

I heard his footsteps retreat from the door.

The babies slept with Ayden in his room. And two other rooms were made up for our guest downstairs.

I heard a knock on the door. I opened it to see Hugh and Tina.

"Hi guys, the boys are upstairs, and don't know you are coming sooo, be prepared but I'll back you two up. Now, your grand babies are in the kitchen with Jacks parents and Ayden." I said and hugged them both.

Hugh smiled warmly at me and Tina seems to be better as well.

"Thank you for giving us another chance, it just took us by surprise that our son had a male and female mate, and you two aren't werewolves. We talked and we realized it isn't our place to say what's right or wrong, fate brought you all and us together as a family, do who are we to deny you. You have done nothing but good for him and this pack since you've got here and we thank you for that Alyna." Tina said and I closed the door.

I shook my head. "It's no problem, Ayden wants his grandparents and I'm sure you want to see your grandchildren and pack do good, as well as Ben as stubborn as he can be. His Alpha genes kick in at stupid times instead of him enforcing it on himself. So I took matters into my own hands. Go ahead and go to the dining room, I'll get everything from the kitchen to set up the table. " They walked off and I grabbed the plates and utensils first. I set up while everyone talked. I walked out of the kitchen with the last of the food after three trips and put it on the table. Ben and Jack have yet to make an appearance.

I sighed and mumbled an apology before excusing myself to get them. To find them pouting on the bed.

"Get your asses downstairs. Let Dylan and Fiona in because they just pulled up, I don't give a fuck how much you two pout. If I here one complaint out of either of you about our guests or my decisions I will not only ignore you both for three more months. I will deal with my babies myself. I will run without you both or guards and I will punch you both if you say one stupid thing. If I give you a glare it means shut the fuck up. Now go!" I was pissed, sexually frustrated, and hungry.

They scrambled to get downstairs to let Dylan and Fiona in, I followed behind them and went into the dining room area.

I stood at the doorway just in case a fight.

Dylan came in first and gave a hug.

"You are the only one I know that can suggest something to Fiona like that. She's been dying to meet you and the kids, so Fiona meet Alyna who's apparently a part time prostate examiner. He muttered the last bit and walked off to talk to everyone.

"Hi Fiona I have been -" she hugged me me and whispered a thank you in my ear. I chuckled hugging her back. Its no problem girl, now let's eat I've been eager to meet you and talk to you in person too." She nodded and bounced over to Dylan who pulls her into his side as soon as they sit down. They are too cute.

jack came in and froze. Ben looked at him then who he was staring at. He started to open his mouth.

"Shut up." I calmly said before anything came out of his mouth, he gave me a curt nod and took a seat with Jack both leaving one seat in the middle for me.

"Okay well guys its nice to have everyone here. The babies have yet to meet the panthers but they will soon.- I put a hand on Ben and Jack's knee squeezing. -I'm happy everyone could come together as a family.


Probably two more chapters left for this book. Then I'll start book two.

Artists of the day: Ed Sheeran, Sam smith, and Hozier.

Thanks for being patient and reading

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