Chapter 29

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  I woke up as we drove on a slightly dead road. A couple of cars in front of us. Their red lights blurring my vision until i looked away. Turning my attention to Ben. He's so handsome.  I'm lucky to have such an amazing Wolf mate. He brushed his thumb along my knee. I grabbed his hand and guided it slowly up my inner thigh. He squeezed my thigh slightly.

"Alyna if you do this we're never going to make it to what I had planned. Believe me I want to and we will tonight baby. But just wait like two hour for me love, okay. you can even take control some tonight okay?"

I whimpered but nodded. I was eager to see what he had in store for tonight.

"I know baby, your pregnancy hormones are crazy right now. Lets just get to know each other better get you distracted hmm?"

"okay." I whispered turning my body slightly, careful of the babies.

"I'm an only child, a momma's boy. I used to play soccer and fútbol. Still do for fun.  Matt is my best friend.  My mom and dad are both werewolves and true mates. My mom couldn't have anymore after me due  to complications. So she's eager for me to meet my mate. which I have yet to tell her. Since I want a little more time with you without out her trying to take my love away to gossip your ears off. I've never loved any other person before you and Jack. I can't say I saved myself for my mates like you did for yours and which I'm sorry for baby. My favorite color is red. Im nineteen. I want an endless amount of kids. Your turn." Ben said.

I nodded taking in all the information he said.

"Im seventeen, I was a daddy's girl. Im an only child too. My favorite color is blue. I never thought I would have two mates but I'm glad I do. I want a lot of kids too. mostly boys. I love to fight bad people. Im open minded. I trust people easily. I love cars and motorcycles. I'm a tomboy. and tattoos are sexy." I said thinking of jacks tattoo sleeve and what Ben would look like with one.

Ben tapped my knee. Shaking his head no. "Don't think about that right now. it'll lead somewhere else."

I chuckled and nodded.

"I've been having some trackers find Jack's parents since he was kidnapped by hunters...Were going to meet them right now. We got a lead and these panther shifters matched the case..." He cautiously said.

My mouth dropped. I couldn't blink or respond.

Ben parked the car at a quaint little restaurant.

"Ally baby, please tell me if I did something wrong or if he will be happy. I just want to make Jack happy." Ben whispered and turned my face to him.

I met his green eyes filled with worry and hope. His Black hair was combed back and he had a slight five a clock shadow going on.

I smiled and pulled his face to mine and kissed his lips.Feeling him physically and mentally relax with a soft sigh.

I pulled back and rubbed his stubble on his chin with my thumb. "You are perfect. It's perfect. I love you so much Ben you're just what me and Jack need. We couldn't have done this without you. Now lets go and meet these supposed parents of our mate." I said smiling.

He smiled and nodded. Getting out of the car and coming to open my door and help me out.

Our fingers intertwined together and we walked inside.

"Hi, welcome to Bills steak house. Party for two?" The hostess said.

"Actually were here with the knite party." Ben answered the man.

"Right this way." He said with a smile.

I squeezed Ben's hand as we followed the waiter.

"Here you are and a waiter will be with you shortly. You make a lovely family by the way. Have a good night." He said as he put our menus down and walked away.

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