Chapter 2

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I woke up to the smell of something burning. Snapping my eyes open to look for Jack. I laughed internally at the site in front of me.

My oh so amazing mate was COOKING or rather burning our Fantastic meal. (Note the sarcasm.) Although he is still Amazing, just not with cooking. blood was everywhere on him. sigh. Now we have a mess to clean up. More like I have a mess to clean while he watches and gets scolded.

"Jack. Put out the fire and bury that poor deer you just wasted. I'll clean the cave. Then we'll wash up at the lake and go into town. We can eat somewhere there. You shouldve tthought this through, youve never been a good cook. I mean youve burnt noodles! How thats possibble i have no idea." I started to trail off on into things his horrible culinary skills have caused me to clean. "I'm sorry baby. I was starving, I haven't eaten after running and you know how we have a high metabolism. Plus I wanted to try to cook something for you by not using a stove. You know I love you right?" He said running out of breath after his explanation. I nodded my head and walked over to him, keeping a fair distance. He held out his arms for a hug. "Hell no, you reek of deer and its all over you." I took a step back as he took one towards me. "But, I love you, and you hurt my feelings.You'll be dirty from cleaning also anyways. I only tried to cook for my beautiful mate." He said with a fake sob added to the end. He looked at me with his bottom lip jutted out. Damn. Damn it, this bond... ugh. I slowly walked forward into his awaiting dirty arms, with his stupid smile on his face. Tingles shot through me making the irritation wash away. He pulled back and doubled over in laughter. " Fine, clean all this yourself I'll be at the lake. Have fun Jacky Poo." His laughter stooped short as apologies soon came out of his mouth. Shaking my head I took off to the lake so his stupid puppy face wouldn't get me to help him.

I jumped to the top of the tree and walked to the closest tree hanging over the lake. It was about a twenty foot drop. Hmmm... I've jumped longer so why the hell not. Taking careful steps back, I ran and jumped into the air pulling my knees to my chest. Letting the fall whip my hair everywhere. Adrenaline pulsing through my body as I felt the water swallow me. Swimming to the surface, the water around me tinged a slight red. I took off my shirt and rubbed the blood out of it as well as my bra. Setting them on a rock I floated in the water for about five minutes. I heard a rustle in the bushes, I quickly grabbed my clothes through them on. Letting out a snarl in the direction of the intruder. As i jumped on the rock, I crouched, ready to jump to the trees and get away to Jack. Jack! A black and gray wolf stepped out growling. I might not shift but I've killed plenty rogue wolves. Although these are not rogues. Theyre an Alpha and beta. I still have the strength and canines just not the form yet. Baring my teeth at them, I jumped to the tree taking off to my mate.

Hearing the wolves follow me, although im quite faster. I jumped down tumbling and sprinting to the cave. "JACK! WOLVES!" He ran out of the cave and crouched in front of me, backing me up towards the cave entrance. "Theres a Alpha and beta wolf. I put on my clothes and sprined here as soon as I could when I heard them in the bushes." He let out a snarl that echoed from the cave. "THEY SEEN YOU NAKED!" He shouted. Shit. "Not completely, just topless." I mumbled. He started to shake as they stepped from the bushes and growled at us. Before I could stop him, he appeared in front of the alpha, surprising them at his speed. He threw the beta into a tree and kicked the alpha into a rock. I watched the beta get up limping. I raced over to it. "Stop please i'm his mate, he's just mad you seen me topless. We want no problems. i'll stop him." I whispered to the beta wolf. He nodded his head and layed down. I walked towards jack, he was shaking so much. I watched as a claw extended through his hand. Hes shifting. The alpha came racing to him. "NO!" Rage took over me. Pain shot through me and before I knew it I shifted. Letting out a roar I leaped in fronted my mate. circling him protectively. Its always worse for the males to shift with our species and longer. I heard him whimper behind me. I let out a purr, sweeping my tail against his face. The alpha was growling pinning his beta down into submission, since he interviened in his attack. He shot towards me. I shifted grabbing him by his throat when he tried to jump to bite my neck and lifted him up. "You should listen to your beta! If you try to touch me or my mate again, I will not hesitate to kill you. Swallow your pride and think you dumbass alpha." I threw him in the grass far enough away from us.

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