Chapter 5 part two of date

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I pressed my face deaper into Jacks chest.

"Alyna come on, I have a reservation for dinner. And something after." He whispered into my ear. Poking my ribs. Ugh I hate being poked! I grabbed his finger and shoved it in the soft dirt.

"Bad kitty, now get up. So we can go get dressed and go have some fun. " He spanked me bottom.

"Fine, meanie. " I got up and shifted. Making sure to hit him in the face with my tail.

'Ow!' He grumbled.

I took off to climb the trees once I heard his four paws hit the ground. I stayed at the top of the trees as he chased after me.

Ow! What the fuck! He bit my ass.

'Did you just bite my ass!?'

His chuckles filled my mind.

'It was taunting me baby, I had to just do it once to see if I liked it. And god do I love that pert ass of yours.'

I smirked. Pervert.

'Only for you baby, only for you.' He mumbled, I felt his eyes staring at my ass. I'm in my panther form, so everything is muscle and Jack has the biggest muscles I've seen. Especially his one muscle in particular that I love, and all he seems to think with.

I spotted the pack house and all the wolf shifters and kids outside playing.

One day, maybe we can have a panther pack. It would be amazing.

Picking a clear spot to jump, I leaped into the air. Jack by my side.

'Dont you love that feeling you get in your stomach when you jump?' I ask Jack.

'Its a feeling of freedom.' he stated.

Landing on the ground with a soft thude of our paws, we slowly walk into the house, brushing against each other. All eyes were on us and jaws dropped. I was laughing my ass off in my head as i seen a boy our age faint. Jack swatted my ass with his tail. Shaking his head.

'Thats our pack now baby, be nice.' He said softly. I nodded and took off running to our room. The door was closed. Damn.

'Beeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!' I shouted at the top of my lungs through are link. He opened his door across from ours with a frantic look in his eyes, his hair sticking out everywhere with only his boxers on.

"What happened? Rogues!?" he seemed panicked.

I sat down shaking my head.

'No, but can you open our door.'

He froze staring at me like I was crazy. He slowly pushed the door open and walked back to his room mumbling to himself.

Me and Jack got ready for our date night. I walked to the mirror going over my outfit.

I have a nightcallbrand off the shoulder tank tank top, with purple skinny jeans and black heels.

One more thing.

Pulling my hair into a nice pony tail with bangs. Simply so my mark can be seen.

"You look gorgeous, I love the way our mark turned out." Jacks arms slid around me.

I hummed in response as i took in the moment.

"Promise you wont ever leave me Alyna." He whispered into my ear.

"I will forever be by your side Jack. Please trust me, you deserved better than what happened with your parents. And if I could ever go back and find you I would have. I wont let you go Jack, you are irreplaceable." Grabbing his face in my hands I pressed my forehead to his, looking into his eyes.

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