Chapter 11

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After we got done with the ice cream. we went home and tucked Ayden in.

Now im currently playing fairytale fights on the xbox with Ben and jack, while my bloods being taken for testing.

The boys agreed to Dylans request as long as he was careful with me being pregnant.

As we defeated hansel and gretel, Matt walked in and plopped down in front of me leaning on my knees. I put my controler down and ran my hands through his hair.

"Whats wrong Matt?"

"I found my mate. " he stated solemnly.

"And that's bad?" I asked with a chuckle.

"She's the whore of the pack rejected me saying she wanted Jack and Ben. To be the Luna." His voice cracking at her rejection.

I growled furiously.

"Whats. Her. Name."

"Kayla Casey." He whispered.

'Kayla Casey and every guy she has fucked in the last month. Pack house NOW!!!' I yelled in the pack link.

The door flew open and about thirty guys sat down and an ugly bitch with a painted on face and fake tits walked in. Her ugly red hair swaying behind her.

Jack and Ben said nothing as I took control.

"The men here that are unmated leave this room. Dont try to leave if you are mated. I can smell the difference." I stated.

Five guys were left and avoiding my eyes.

I looked at the them all same fit body but different eyes.

I addressed 'Blue Eyes' first.

"Wheres your mate?" I asked with a hardened tone.

"Passed away." He looked at me with sad eyes.

I nodded. "My condolences, although you may not fuck this girl again. You may leave." He nodded and bowed before leaving.

'Brown eyes' looked at me.

"I found her a week ago. Haven't cheated on her at all Luna." His words rang true.


'Green eyes' avoided my eyes completely.

"Wheres your mate?" He looked down.

"At home, asleep."

"Have you cheated on her with this girl?"

He nodded.

I snarled. "Any other girl?" He nodded.

"Did you reject her. " He shook his head.

"Ben get her and bring her here along with all the girls he cheated on her with." Ben nodded and kissed my head before leaving.

'hazel eyes' looked at me. "I found my mate today. I havent touched Kayla for three weeks. "

"Dissmissed." He bowed and left.

'Grey eyes' looked at me.

"No mate Luna, i will stay clear of Kayla as well. " He spoke clearly. I nodded and waved my hand for him to leave.

He bowed and left. Nodding at Matt.

"You will be punished for helping a mated male cheat on his mate. Then you will be killed for rejecting your own. You dont deserve him." I stared at Kayla as she started to cry.

"You cant kill me for that!" she wailed.

"Actually I can. its a law for my breed and now that im Luna you will have the law as well. "

"And you will be serverly punished along with all the girls you cheated on your mate with. She will be told and showed who you cheated on her with tonight." I looked at green eyes. He nodded and kept his eyes down.

Kayla was still crying now yelling was more like it as her painted face was coming off.

I stood up and snarled. "Enough! I will not tolerate cheating or the rejecting of mates! Now sit down! And be quiet!" I was panting and my claws were out. Jack grabbed me and pulled me into his lap as Matt rubbed my foot.

Kayla sat next to 'green eyes' and silently cried.

Ben came in with two girls and a disheveled looking petite brunette.

"Luna, may i ask whats wrong?" The brunette asked staring at her mate.

"Ill let your mate tell you. " His eyes snapped to mine as he shook his head.

"You will. " i demanded in a harsh tone.

He looked at her with crushed eyes.

"Im cheating on you Reagan. All the girls in here are the ones I cheat on you with. Im so sorry! I won't do it ever again. I promise!! Just please dont leave me." He was on his knees in front of her begging.

She stroked his cheek and slapped him. She turned around and looked at the girls behind her. "You were my friends. You two both reject your mates. And fuck mine! I hate you both. Fucking die in a hole and rot in hell." She looked at her mate and slapped him again.

" Get up. We will talk about this at home. Thank you Luna, and Alphas. Im sorry for the inconvenience." She wasnt sad she was furious. I nodded at her and stood up. I hugged her and gestured for her to leave.

Reagan pulled her mate out the door. Not letting it slam. Smart girl.

" You two will recieve the same punishment as Kayla. Punishment starts tonight and death will be served tomorrow night. You will not hold onto your mates heart and live a life of a whore. It's against the law and will not change." I stated and three male guards came and took them to the lock out room under the house, before they could argue.

I walked to Matt and sat in his lap. He breathed in my scent and cried into my neck. I ran my fingers through his hair cooing into his ear.

'Hey kitten, he needs you tonight. Lets all make a pallet and sleep down here.' Jack whispered into my head.

'Okay. '

Ben and Jack brought comforters and pillows and made the pallet. Matt pulled me ontop of him as he lay down and Ben and Jack lay on either side of us.

"Night guys. Love you all." They mumbled in agreement.

Matt doesn't deserve what has happened to him. Hopefully he finds the perfect girl now.

I drifted into a deep sleep.


Hello people who are reading this book!!

Sorry it took a while.

Matt is strictly the brother figure.

Needed a chapter to show she will be a good Luna and take care of what needs to be done.

Thanks for being patient. Had to take care of my AP world history work and of course I suck at algebra and Chemistry! So tutorials before testing! Joy.

Everything is alright for me. Well what i call alright. How are you minions doings!?

Fan, vote, comment, message me. Ill talk to you if you ever need someone to talk to.

Message me on Facebook or follow on instagram. enjoy my crazy pictures: D

Song of the day: Kiss me: by Ed Sheeran

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