Chapter 36

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I can't sleep, feeling restless, I toss and turn between Jack and Ben

I know there was a panther out there tonight. My panther didn't just feel anything. I crawled out of bed and went to Ayden's room and checked on him.

I hear the babies asleep with Hugh and Tina. So I decided to stay in the hallway at the top of the stairs and shift into my panther. She wants to stay alert for her family, I'm not going to keep her from that. We have a pack to take care  of, with the panthers.

I don't know why, but I have just never been able to control my panther. Jack can control his. Mine is like a wild spirit, she doesn't want to be tamed, and I understand that completely. Although, maybe we did deserve the slap on the snout from Ben.

Mom. Dad. I feel you getting closer, and I know that you have a spy on our territory that I will personally catch when Ben and Jack wake up.

My panther hits her tail against the floor as she gets agitated with the thoughts of my parents.


I'm sorry guys, I know it is super short, but I am super tired, I haven't given up on my books. I wrote the chapter for Escaping the mate run, right after I got of work. I am so tired its 2:45 a.m right now. So im gonna sleep, then finish the update tomorrow since I am finally off on a Saturday from both class and work. although I work a double sunday.

Song of the day: Best of everything by Van Damsel

Band of the Day: Maudlin strangers

Book of the day: The Reckoning by Alma Katsu

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