Chapter 10

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I woke up with sweat covering me and a bladder, that was fixing to explode.

When i tried to sit up Jack and Ben held me tighter, Ayden squirmed on my stomach.

'Jack, Ben. I have to pee. The baby is kicking me in my bladder. ' I mind linked them. They loosened their hold as i slipped out and put a sleeping Ayden in their arms.

Walking out of the restroom still naked as ever. Ayden looked at me.

"Mommy im hungry. " He whined rubbing his eyes. Of course he his. All Alphas always want something.

'Hey!' Jack and Ben shouted in my head.

I snickered and put on some zanadi denim skinny jeans, pulling on Bens teal old high school jersey since i have a slight bump, being pregnant with a panthers baby should last three months. I slipped on my teal Toms.

Brushing out my long black hair hair I pinned it into a messy bun.

I brushed my teeth and didn't bother putting on a bra, since Ayden is always hungry.

Walking over to Ayden. Who might i add was poking Jack in the eye, when he was STILL asleep.

Ben had a pillow over his head.


He looked at me and jumped into my arms.

"Were you poking your daddies in the eye?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. He giggled and nodded.

"Thats my little man. " I chuckled as he grinned up at me and snuggled into my arms.

"I eat, now mommy. Pwease."

I nodded and walked down the stairs to order some IHOP. Then I went to lay in the back yard to bathe in the sun. I purred in content, keeping an arm on Ayden.

"Alyna, your awake. Good, may I join you. I would like to speak with you." I nodded as Dylan sat next to me.

"We will leave to the Hawks pack house when you are ready. These rogues are deadly. So please be careful. My cousin truly needs you. Think of the baby and Ayden. Just dont do anything rash, please. The one youll hurt the most is Jack. You are apart of this family now." He said proudly and looked at me.

"I understand, thank you for welcoming me without a problem. Im glad I found out about Ben, I would never want someone to deny their mate. No one deserves it." I mumbled.

He nodded. "I agree, now. We know you and Jack like to be high up, warm, and you like water, so we are looking in areas that have these things. so far we are only two towns over but soon we'll have people looking across the world."

He sounded fascinated by finding more like my kind.

"Also, alpha babies, do feed twenty hours a day and they will grow bigger and stronger. After we check out the Hawks pack house. Can we run some test on you and see what the difference is between our kinds?" He asked with a hopeful look in his eyes.

"Of course. You might have to convince Jack and Ben. " I let out a chuckle. picturing their reaction to Dylans suggestion.



We pulled up to the Hawks pack house, immediately smelling old blood.

"Alright boys, lets get them buried and mark their name, put the families together. Dont leave any blood anywhere. The house will be torn down in a week and this will only be sanctuary for the lost ones of the Hawk pack. Jack, me and Ayden will be at Alynas side. Matt and Dylan will be stationed in the front of the house. Lets get started!" Ben talked to about thirty five of his male pack members. They nodded and went straight to the back yard.

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