Part Thirteen

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"Hyung," are the first words I hear when my eyes slowly part open. I blink in surprise at Jimin's curious face peering down at me. His face is way too close.

I stutter and cough to try and hide the light blush forming on my face, "Y-yes?"

"Do you want to eat breakfast with me? I've been waiting for you to wake up so that we can eat together," he explains in that soft voice of his.

I still can't get used to him talking casually to me again since I spent an entire week taking care of him in silence. No word came out of his mouth and now, now he talks to me freely without addressing his earlier silence, and it's killing me to not ask him about it. It doesn't help that he sends me small smiles all the time that has my heart leaping into my throat. Stupid heart for falling for this annoying sunshine.

"Ah, okay," I rub my eyes and sit up. "Let's eat now then." With a small, cat-like stretch, I maneuver my way towards his bag. Jimin does the same and follows, and we both look through the assortment of food we have left.

Jimin grabs a chocolate bar and waves in front of his face, "Chocolate?"

"It's still early in the morning, Park," I say, disapprovingly.

He grins mischievously and sings, "But you know you want some."

I blink at him before snatching the chocolate bar away from him and huffing. Jimin let's out a small noise of triumph as I snap the bar in half. I hand him one piece while I immediately begin to munch on the other.

"Who would have thought that the great Min Yoongi was a sweets addict?" Jimin muses.

I roll my eyes but smile anyways, "What can I say? Sugar is my weakness. Who can ever deny a little bit of sweetness in their lives?" My eyes slowly trail towards Jimin at my last statement. His smiles widens to the point where his eyes disappear and turn into little crescent moons. Oof, that was too precious for me to handle.

I look away instantly and place a hand over my racing heart. Death is upon me.

"Everyone deserves a bit of sweetness in their lives," Jimin states. I turn to meet his gaze. He smiles teasingly. "No matter where it comes from. It may even come from the places you'd least expect."


"Hyung," Jimin whines. "Please just let me see it?"

"No, Park, go away," I hiss as I use my shoulders as shields. I can imagine Jimin pouting in disappointment already. He's been trying to peek at what I'm writing for the past half hour.

He cries out, "Please, hyung! Just for a second!"

"No," I mutter, continuing to scribble away.

He's practically tried everything to get me to let him see. He's tried singing, dancing, and even tackling me over. Still didn't work though.

I feel Jimin's presence behind me disappear, which causes me to sigh in relief. Finally, he's gonna let me just write in peace. This kid has to be the most determined person I've ever met. Well, I'm not sure if he's determined or just really stubborn. Probably the latter.

Someone- no one else besides me and Jimin are here so guess who it is- plops down in front of me. I tilt the journal away from him so that he can't see anything. Jimin sits cross-legged. He leans forward and rest his elbows on his thighs. He cups his face and frowns while watching me skillfully move away from him. I bite down on my lower lip to keep from chuckling. He looks adorably pissed. His lips form a small pout as his brows crinkle together. His cheeks look so pinchable, and a strong urge to boop his nose grows within me.

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