Part Eleven

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The first bell rings to warn everyone to head on to their classes, and I glance around my empty table in the library. Huh, Jimin isn't here yet. That's weird.

And things only get weirder.

Jimin isn't in class.

Jimin isn't in the library.

Jimin isn't in the cafeteria.

Jimin isn't in the washrooms.

Heck, Jimin isn't even with his other friends, which I embarrassingly went to ask about Jimin's whereabouts. (No one knew where he was nor seemed to care too much. Sigh, fake people.)

Jimin isn't at school in general, and this seems rather fishy after the situation we found ourselves in last night. Would it be weird if I went to check up on him? It couldn't, right? Many friends check up on each other when they miss a day of school.

Me: Park, where the fuck are you?

13081995: Sorry, but this phone number no longer exists. You're message <Park, where the fuck are you?> was unable to send. Please try sending your message later or changing the phone number.

Me: wtf? What do you mean this number doesn't exist anymore?

13081995: Sorry, but this phone number no longer exists. You're message <wtf? What do you mean this number doesn't exist anymore?> was unable to send. Please try sending your message later or changing the phone number.

Me: fuck you

13081995: Sorry, but this phone number no longer exists. You're message <fuck you> was unable to send. Please try sending your message later or changing the phone number.

I groan and slam my head onto the table in the library. A sharp pain shoots through my skull as I quickly retract my head from the table and rub the now aching spot. Damn it, I'm going to have to do this the old fashion way.

Not caring about skipping school and staying for the rest of my classes, I walk out of the library and head straight towards the exit. People are milling around outside since it's still lunch time, and as I'm a senior, I'm allowed to leave campus. But this time, I'm not coming back.

My legs first walk at a brisk pace, yet five minutes later, I'm already running off in hopes of reaching Jimin's place quicker. And then suddenly, I see another figure coming at me. It's Jimin.

"Park-" But I have no time to say anything as Jimin just grabs my hand and pulls me in a different direction. I look at him in surprise as he carries a rather large backpack on his back and concentrates on taking us to some unknown place. His lips are set in a firm line. "Park, where have you been all day?"

But the only response I get is a simple shake of the head. What.

"Park, are you gonna explain anything to me or just stay quiet and drag me some place where I could possibly get killed?" I ask, faking my annoyed tone to hide my concern.

I'm met with silence.

Okay then.

Jimin occasionally glances around frantically and then continues tugging me with him by my hand. I look down at our hands clasped together. I never noticed how small his hand actually is compared to my own. The feeling of his smaller hand in mine brings some sort of fluttering sensation in my heart. Huh, that's weird. His palm is warm but dry; the complete opposite of mine. I can feel sweat form on my hand as it only gets warmer due to the fact that Jimin's warmth from his hand seeps into my own. My hands are usually an awkward combination of cold and sweaty. 

I hesitantly change the hold of our hands to intertwine our fingers. This feels weird but also nice at the same time. I'm impossibly fascinated by the way our fingers are curled around each other's hands that I almost don't notice Jimin's eyes trailing to our entangled hands. We both look up and are eye to eye for the first time properly all day. An awkward cough escapes me as I cast my eyes off towards the side. I do my best to avoid Jimin's questioning gaze until he finally looks away from me and goes back to leading the both of us who knows where.

Taking this opportunity, I snap my eyes back onto his face and stare carefully at his expression. His brows are furrowed and his eyes are hard and devoid of the usual gleaming happiness and excitement they hold. His lips turn down in a frown, which I now realize doesn't really suit Park Jimin. Something is definitely wrong with this kid, and I'm going to get down to the bottom of it.

Why do I care so much?

... did Park Jimin actually manage to become important to me? What the fuck? All he did was pester me, follow me around, try to take care of me, worry about me, help me without questioning anything, save me... Okay, he did a lot. 

My feet stumble as I accidentally run into the boy himself. We seem to be standing in front of an abandoned warehouse. Totally not sketchy at all.

"Park, what are we doing here?" I ask and point at the warehouse with my free hand. "Are you actually trying to get us killed? If so, why here? This place is creepy." His turns to look at me with a raised brow. "Not that I'm scared or anything," I quickly add on. "We should go home. We could get hurt. You could get hurt."

Shit, Yoongi, did you just show that you care about Park freaking Jimin to Park freaking Jimin?

I gulp down my contradiction at the sight of Jimin's small twitch of the lips. He sighs and still doesn't say anything as he pulls me towards the entrance of the warehouse. Okay, so he's just gonna stay silent the entire time and explain nothing to me even though he just dragged me across town to an abandoned warehouse. Cool. 

He pulls the doors open enough for us to slip inside. He gently pushes me aside and sticks his head out the door while checking for something unknown. Seriously, what's up with this kid? 

After doing so, he sticks his head back inside the warehouse and closes the doors quietly. Complete silence stretches across us as he leads me to a corner of the warehouse. Our feet shuffle in quick steps until we finally stop. Jimin lets the giant bag on his back drop to the floor after letting go of my hand before exhaling deeply and running a hand through his hair. 

Not really knowing what to do, I grab his hand again and give it a gentle squeeze. He perks up at this and looks at me in surprise.

Clearing my throat, I jerk my head at his bag, "What's in that thing anyways?" Maybe I'll finally get a word out of him.

Jimin swallows nervously and then falls onto his knees in front of me. He grabs both of my hands and bows his head to me as he kneels before me. All of a sudden, his shoulders begin to shake as he cries softly.

"I'm so sorry, hyung," Jimin shakily sobs. He shakes his head vigorously, his tears spilling onto my hands. "I'm so fucking sorry."

I immediately drop to my knees and wrap my arms around him. One hand goes to the back of his head and strokes his baby hairs near his neck as he tucks his face into the crook of my neck while the other goes to draw soothing circles on his back. Subconsciously, I move both of us to sit down; me on the dusty floor of the warehouse and him on my lap.

"Hey, it's okay, Jimin," I say softly. The poor boy trembles in my hold as he whimpers. "You have nothing to be sorry about, okay?"

Jimin shakes his head and cries out, "You don't understand, hyung. I'm so, so sorry. I've made a giant mistake."

"Shh, no you haven't," I whisper. "You seem stressed and tired. Why don't you just rest a little here, okay? Let it all out and get some rest."

Jimin sobs again and curls his arms around my torso. He pulls himself impossibly closer to me and clings on for dear life. I do my best to comfort him. I am so confused right now, but at least I got the kid to talk to me. Yeah, but then he burst into tears right after. 

Why Park Jimin dragged me across town and then turned into a sobbing mess, I have no idea. All I know is that something is wrong, and the only way to fix that is to get the boy calmed down. He's hurt, and I hate to say this, but I don't like seeing him like this. 

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