Part Twelve

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Blinding sunlight streams through some windows up above, which cause me to stir in my sleep and wake up. Looking around all bleary-eyed, I realize that Jimin is laying down next to me, wide-awake and motionless. He blinks blankly at the ceiling, breathing slowly and evenly. He looks so devoid of life. So empty.

I cough awkwardly and watch as Jimin doesn't even flinch, "Park, you okay?"

He says nothing. Cool, we're going back to the no talking. That's perfectly fine. Not. I mean, I just want to know what's going on. I'm so confused.

Scratch that, I'm beyond confused at this point.

Jimin burst into tears yesterday and cried until he fell asleep on my lap. I tried my best to stay awake and watch over him while wondering what the fuck happened, but I ended up falling asleep after a couple hours. It was inevitable, yet I still tried.

"Um, do you at least want to like, I don't know, get up and eat something?" I scratch the back of my head.

Jimin doesn't move an inch.

Are you fucking-

"Park, get up."




"I swear to- Park!"


I sigh in exhaustion, "Fine, I think I have a granola bar in my backpack. I can split it in half, and we'll both eat it. Okay?"

Nothing, just as I expected.

Okay Yoongi, just breathe in and breathe out. No matter how fast your nonexistent patience wears thin, you gotta hold it in. If Jimin's acting like this, something really big must have fucked him up. The kid helped take care of you, and you're the older one, so it's only logical that you take care of him now. No matter how much the fact that he isn't making it easier for you by not opening his god damn mouth, you just gotta swallow down your irritation and keep going. He brought you with him for a reason, right?

After seeing that Jimin's not gonna move for another ten seconds, I finally sit up and crawl over to my backpack. I unzip the small pocket in the front and dig around messily until I find the stupid granola bar that has peanuts, raisins, and oats. This'll do.

I snap it in half- well one piece is bigger than the other by like half an inch- and hand the bigger piece to Jimin. He doesn't move towards the granola bar at all. Are you fucking serious right now.

"Park," I say, "have this piece. Eat it."


Okay I'm gonna blow my shit.

"I'm not gonna move it away until you take it."


This is getting old reeeaaalllyyy fast.

I sigh and then grin a little to try and ease up my frustration, "Okay, I'll just feed you then."

For sure he'll react to that.



I shuffle towards him and then motion for him to sit up. He blinks up at me. Is he paralysed or something? Emotionally paralysed probably?

"At least open your mouth," I frown. "I can't really feed you if you don't open your mouth."


I exhale deeply and close my eyes.

You got this Yoongi.

I open my eyes and look down at an emotionless Jimin. His eyes look empty on the surface, but the more you look, the more you can see. Something's brewing underneath that powerful mask. Something strong and completely different from what usually resides in the eyes of Park Jimin. This boy- this unbearable but bearable boy- that usually is the literal definition of annoying sunshine and positivity is being consumed with something too dark for me to see. I wish I could just take it all away and get the kid back to his old ways filled with laughter and eye smiles.

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