Part One

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Grabbing my journal, I scribble down a few notes. I can't get this phrase out of my mind, I have no idea why.

What is a dream, and what's simply impossible?

Sighing, I lean back in my chair and chew on my bottom lip. That's become one of my main habits when I'm thinking deeply about something, biting my lower lip.

"You know, it's dangerous to lean back on chairs like that," a voice speaks up from behind me.

I turn to look at who even dares to speak to me with an arched eyebrow only to see a guy I've never seen before. He smiles at me a cute-ish smile and tilts his head to the side while staring at me, still smiling. His light blonde hair slides across his forehead gracefully, seeming as fluffy as... blonde fluff.

"Who are you?" I ask bluntly.

He blinks in surprise, "I- uh- I'm new here. My name's Park Jimin." He rubs the back of his neck awkwardly.

Park Jimin. Ah, he's the new kid that everyone's been talking about because of his fair looks. I scan him up and down without a care. He's... okay I guess.

"I see," I say and then turn back to writing in my journal.

What is a dream, and what's simply impossible?

Let's see, what can we turn this into....

"And your name is?" The boy blurts. He walks up behind me and tries to peek at my journal before I slam it shut. "Oh, what's that?"

"None of your business," I grit my teeth and begin to pack up my things. Standing up, I move past his athletic form.

He spins around and follows after me with a determined look, "Where you off to?"

"It's none of your concern," I grind my teeth together. He's starting to get on my nerves. A lot.

"Hey now," he frowns as he walks besides me, "I just want to be your friend."

Rolling my eyes, I walk faster to try to get away from him. He only matches my pace once more. How do I get this kid to stop following me around? "Get lost."

"Is that how you talk to your friend?" He says, smiling up at me once more.

Huffing, I mutter, "You are not my friend. Just leave me alone."

He pouts and crosses his arms over his chest. I will admit, he looks like an adorable child throwing a fit. "I'm just trying to be your friend. Why won't you accept my friendship?"

"What are you, five?" I snort. "I don't do the whole friends thing, okay? So just leave me alone." With that, I march on off towards the school exit. I don't got time for this shit.


"Hey, Yoongi-hyung, wait up!" A voice shouts at me as someone comes zooming towards me.

I stop dead in my tracks and glare at the owner of the voice, "I thought I told you to get lost."

Jimin grins at me, "And I thought I told you I wanted to be your friend."

"Do you have a hearing problem or something?" I ask while continuing my journey to the library. "I also said I have no interest whatsoever with the whole friends thing."

He only smiles brightly, "That's why I'm going to change that, Yoongi-hyung! I'm going to show you what great friends can do!"

"Right, good luck with that," I mutter and enter the school library. Instant peaceful silence surrounds me, and I can't help but inhale deeply. This is my safe haven in this terrible place.

And then the perfect moment is ruined, "Woah, not a lot of people come in here, do they? It's so quiet."

"That's how it's supposed to be, Park. Was it not like that where you came from?" I say, hostile. I don't want to be rude, but I have to shake him off somehow.

He beams, "You remembered my name!" He grips onto his backpack straps happily and tugs on them. "Actually, the library back in my old town closed down after a while. I wasn't allowed to go out much, anyways."

"I would have thought you'd be on a sports team or something," I grumble.

Jimin smiles gently, "Ah, no. I wasn't allowed to try out for any sports team. I mostly studied and was academically focused at my old school. I'm hoping to join some sort of sport here! Do you recommend any?"

"I don't do sports. The only one I remotely like is basketball, but they only choose tall players and pay no attention to talent and skill. Good luck kid, you won't make it far with this height," I shuffle over to the bean bags where I always nap at before classes. I can never get enough sleep at home. "Now, please, leave me alone."

"Are you feeling well, hyung? If not, I have some medication in my bag-"

"I'm fine, I just need some sleep," I massage my temple as the blonde-haired energetic chipmunk continues to babble on. Where's the damn power switch? He needs to be turned off.

He frowns and scoots a bean bag next to mine before plopping down on it, "Did you not sleep well last night?"

No. And not the night before, and the night before that as well.

"Why do you care? Just leave," I grumble, deciding to pull out my phone and headphones at last. If this kid won't leave me alone, I'll just mute him out.

"I like to care for my friends, Yoongi-hyung. You're my friend, remember?" He replies as a warm smile etches across his face.

Placing the headphones over my head and tapping the play button on my phone screen, I say, "I don't recall my agreement on this friendship. I do in fact recall telling you to leave me alone over three times now."

I then close my eyes and lean back into the bean bag. I really need to get rid of this headache somehow or else I won't be able to concentrate on my classwork later on.

It seems like only a minute has passed when I'm being poked in the face. Who the fuck-

"Yah!" I open my eyes in a flash and glare at the small face peering down at me in surprise.

Jimin instantly grins cheerfully, "Hyung! It's time to go to class. The warning bell just rang!"

Getting up, I stretch lazily and then brush past him on my way to class. He trails after me, a grin still evident on his face. It's starting to annoy me.

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