Part Eight

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"Hyung," Jimin whispers in class as he sits in front of me. Again, this boy is rather stubborn and likes to stick close no matter how many times I tell him to get lost. "Are you going to be in the library during lunch?"

A long, irritated sigh slips between my lips, "Yes."

I can tell he's grinning by the shift in his jaw, "Okay, I'll meet you there!"


"Need more help on homework?" I drawl as Jimin comes bouncing his way towards our usual table. I mean, my usual table.

He shakes his head and smiles cheekily, "Nope, but I have some good news!"

I give him a tired look, "Right. What could that good news possibly be?"

"I got us a gig!" He exclaims, excited. I feel my body freeze up at his words. A gig? He got us a what now? "I know you never asked me to look for one, but I found this place close by that were looking for some performers. I thought we could get a gig there first to test out the waters!"

I shook my head, "Cancel it."

"What? Why?" He pouts and sits down next to me hurriedly.

"I don't do gigs, okay?" I say and wave the kid off. "I just, I make music for myself and that's it."

Jimin sighs and mumbles, "That's a waste of talent, hyung. I think you should consider it."

"No means no, Park," I reply, a hard layer of finality in my tone.

He juts out his lower lip, "Please hyung. They'll pay us."

Don't let the money control you. They say money makes the world go round, but I don't move.

"I said no," I respond, coldly.

Jimin whines and pulls me into a hug I definitely did not ask for. He buries his face into my neck and causes me to stiffen in his arms when his gentle breath hits my sensitive skin, "Please."

And I swear, I did this for myself. Not for Park Jimin.

"How much will they pay?"


"Park, help me out with this real quick," I call out to the kid as he's setting up the microphones.

He walks over with his ever-lasting grin, "How can I help you, hyung?"

"Can you finish setting up the keyboard while I go pee?" I ask as I bite down on my lower lip.

Jimin nods happily, "Sure thing, hyung."

"I'll only be a second," I mutter and then walk off the stage.

I lied.

I make my way over to the bar and sigh as I lean against the counter. The bartender spots me and walks over with his hands in his pockets.

"Do you want anything to drink?" He eyes me carefully.

I sigh and nod, "Anything that'll calm the nerves."

"Alright then," he replies and then turns to get me my drink. As he does this, he takes a quick peek back at me and then the stage. "Is he your brother?"

"Hm?" I turn to look at Jimin and then shake my head with a dry laugh. "Oh, nah, he's not my brother. We're not related at all."

The bartender then hands me my drink and licks his lips, "Boyfriend then?"

"What?" I choke and then rapidly shake my head no. "We could never."

The bartender arches a brow and shrugs, "Well that's a shame. He's pretty cute."

I narrow my eyes at him before glancing at Jimin. The boy joyfully completes the task I left him with and goes back to fixing the microphones. He seems to be humming to himself as he works as I've noticed that he actually does a lot. I then return my attention back to the bartender who's looking between Jimin and me.

"What?" I spit at his accusing expression.

He merely chuckles, "You don't have to get all defensive. I get that you may not be homo or anything."

I take the shot and roll my eyes, "I'm actually bi, I just don't think I'll ever be able to see Jimin like that. He's just this kid who always follows me around and calls me his friend."

"Then you wouldn't mind if I asked him out?" He questions with a smirk.

I glare daggers at him, "Of course I would mind. He may annoy me to death, but he's still a naive kid. Who knows what you'd do to or with him."

"Relax," he laughs at my overreaction and waves me off. "I'd never do anything to the poor kid. I'm just playing with you."

I scoff, "Right."

"My name's Namjoon," he introduces himself with a charming smile. "What's yours?"

"None of your damn business," I respond coldly and hand him the shot glass along with the pay. I flip him off and then go back to join Jimin on the stage.

The boy spins around and squeezes the life out of me. I'm about to scold him when he pulls away and jumps up and down a bit, "Sorry hyung! I'm just so excited and nervous that I got a bit carried away." His eyes twinkle with enthusiasm and disappear with an eye smile.

I exhale in disappointment. Trying to ignore Namjoon's smug face in the corner of my vision, I pat Jimin's shoulder and say, "It's okay, Park. Let's just finish setting up."

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