Part Three

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Groaning in pain, I squint my eyes open. Darkness surrounds me as a soft blanket is wrapped around me. A stream of light filters through a small gap between the curtains from the window, and it's just enough light to illuminate the silhouette of the bed and the couch with someone sleeping on it. The light is coming from the moon that hangs from the sky seemingly gloomily as a gentle breeze shakes the branches of the trees outside.

I try to sit up but only fall back, groaning louder than before, and in absolute pain. My muscles scream in anguish as pain strikes everywhere. Squeezing my eyes tight, I fail to notice as the figure sleeping on the couch wakes up and comes to my side immediately.

"Yoongi-hyung?" A soft melodic voice whispers in the darkness.

Snapping my eyes open, I raise my hands up formed into fists. Jimin stands next to the bed I'm laying on sleepily, staring at my face in concern. His eyes are slightly swollen- probably from exhaustion or something- and his hair is ruffled from sleeping. He looks kind of... cute.

"Park, where am I?" I try to spit, but I fail to sound cold due to the crack in my parched voice.

Jimin reaches towards the bedside table and hands me a glass of water after helping me sit up, "My house. I brought you here to help you heal."

"Okay, I'll go home," I reply dryly. Moving to get up, Jimin places a gentle hand on my shoulder.

He bites down on his lower lip nervously, "I think you should reconsider. You need time to rest, and we don't even have school until two days. I can take you to your house tomorrow, but I think you should rest until morning here, at least."

"No offense, Park, but I don't think anyone wants me in the same area as them longer than ten minutes," I mutter.

Jimin pipes up, "I wouldn't mind."

"What about your parents?" I raise my eyebrows.

"They're out of town," he responds softly. "Please, reconsider your choice. I wouldn't want you to get hurt further. The bruise on your cheekbone doesn't look very nice."

I sigh, "I don't care."

"So, is that a yes?" He looks at me hopefully. Ah, what's the point of leaving now anyways? I'm too lazy to go home, so I might as well stay until morning. He said he'll take me home then. Sounds like a double win for me.

Shaking the empty glass slightly, I ask, "Can I have some more water?"

Jimin grins, and his eyes shine with joy, "Of course, hyung!"

He takes the cup from me and shuffles quietly to the door. He motions that he'll be back soon while wandering off inside of his house. Sighing, I close my eyes and let my mind wander.

Judging by my current location, Jimin was the one to save me from those four. Scratch that, the one to take me away from them. I wasn't saved, I was taken away. That's it.

"Hyung?" Jimin says as he walks into the room. That was fast.

"What?" I growl.

He hands me the glass of water while bowing his head, "How are you feeling?"


I sip from the glass and then place it onto the side table. I lay back down on my own and snuggle into the yellow blanket.

"Go to sleep, Park."


Shutting off the stove, I wipe my hands on the hand towel before making my way back to Jimin's room. Since I woke up a while ago, I decided to repay him by cooking him some breakfast that he could enjoy. I tried my best to remain quiet while cooking to let him sleep off his exhaustion. When I woke, he was snuggled into his thin blanket, shivering slightly. As I placed my blanket over him, I noticed the now blueish bruise forming on his jaw. He must have gotten hit when he took me.

Entering his room, I tiptoe over to his still sleeping form on the couch. I poke his cheek a bit while murmuring, "C'mon Park, wake up."

His eyes open hazily as he yawns. "Goodmoring, hyung. How are you feeling today?"

"I'm ready to go home," I simply say.

He nods his head tiredly while sitting up. "I can take you now, if you'd like."

"You should eat first," I glance to the side of his face. "Wouldn't want you to starve."

He gives me an adorable eye smile, "Is Yoongi-hyung being caring?"

"No, I'm being cautious," I retort.

Jimin just gives me a knowing smile while standing up and stretching, "Whatever you'd like to think. I know you're actually being caring. You care for me, hyung."

"And why would I care about you?" I roll my eyes.

Jimin teasingly chuckles, "Because we're friends."

I grumble, "We've been over this a million times, Park. We're not friends and never will be. I don't do the friends thing."

Jimin laughs again. That little- aish, I need to calm down. It's too early in the morning to get this fired up. I should just go eat some delicious breakfast prepared by one of the best chefs in the world. Me.

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