Part Ten

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"Damn it, Park wake up will you," I shake Jimin's shoulder again as we get even closer to our bus stop.

Jimin stirs but still doesn't wake up.

I groan and run a hand through my hair. This kid gives me no choice. As the bus stops where we need it to, I grab Jimin and carry him out of the bus. The driver pays me no attention as I'm no longer his responsibility. Whatever.

"Park, I can't believe you're making me do this," I grumble and hoist Jimin further over my shoulder as he started to slowly slip from my hold. "I'm not athletic and shit like you. I only like basketball, and the last time I played was with my mother."

Jimin remains asleep for a couple more minutes. I'm honestly surprised for how long I manage to carry him in the silence of the neighborhood I'm walking through. Jimin's house isn't too far away from my own and the bus stop, so I don't necessarily mind going in that direction. I just would mind it a whole lot less if I didn't have to carry the damn boy.

Before my shoulder can give out along with my arms, I try to wake him again.

"Park, you awake yet?" I growl.

I'm completely shocked when Jimin's angelic voice replies, "I'm awake."

I pause in my step and twist my neck to look behind me at a grinning Jimin. My face probably screams outrage as Jimin begins to giggle.

"How long have you been awake for?" My eyes slowly turn into tiny slits.

Jimin flashes me an eye smile and then sings, "A while. Maybe like ten minutes?"

"Park," I say, a little darker now, "do you have a good relationship with the ground?"

He hums, "Um, kind of not really, why?"

And then I drop him.

Yup, I just dropped him like that.

"Ow- hyung! That hurt!" Jimin whines and stands up. He massages his bum with a small and adorable- don't quote me on that- pout. "Why'd you drop me?"

I scowl and try not to break out of my annoyed stupor by how stupidly- yes, very stupidly and idiotic might I add- adorable and plain cute Jimin looks right now. I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest whilst answering his question, "Obviously because you just made me carry you for about fifteen minutes-"

"It was like eight. Ten at most-"

"-for no particular reason," I continue saying even though he interrupted me. This boy needs to be taught a lesson. "You could have simply used your own two feet and legs, that work perfectly fine by the way, and walked along side with me back to your place."

Jimin slowly begins to smile again until his eyes turn into two crescent moons, "You done yet?"

"No," I say, haughty. "Park, for making me do such extreme and strenuous labor-"

"Hyung, you only carried me for ten minutes and walked maybe half a mile-"

"-you shall be punished for your wrongdoing no matter what," I finish. "Also, you will also be punished for your habit of interruptions with an elder."

Jimin's laugh rings through the night air as he grins at me broadly, "Alright Mr. Salty-hyung. How shall I be punished?"

Letting out a small noise of disapprovement at the unwanted nickname, I sigh and click my tongue against the roof of my mouth in thought. How will Park Jimin be punished?

Jimin laughs at my childishness- which totally isn't childishness by the way- and watches me think as we both just stand on the sidewalk in silence. Well, there are a couple of Jimin's giggles here and there, but that's not what's important here. No, what's important here is teaching Park Jimin a lesson on how to respect his elders: specifically me.

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