chapter 10

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" I really like her honey " Ellie said excitedly once Diana was out of sight Alexander  knew his family would like her he just smiled .

"You know it won't be bad if you marry her " Ellie said and Xander chocked on his drink , everyone chuckled while Tiffany had an angry face on.

Alexander  didn't except that , it's not like Diana wasn't a wife material but he just met her not up to two weeks and his mom was already talking of marriage when his not even sure if they are friends yet , funny of his thought, he knows.

"Darling you should stop saying things like that " Christopher gave her a playful glare .

"What ?" Ellie laughed.

"Mom , we just met " Alexander  counted.
Ellie rolled her eyes .

"Does it matter ?, The girl is well behaved and not like all this spoilt  brats around new York " she said glaring over at Harrison and Tiffany and Harry knew what his mom meant .

"Yes your right Mrs Malcholin , but how sure are you that she's not a brat too"? Tiffany asked from nowhere as they stare at her .

Harrison pulled her gown under the table to be quite, they gave her a bored look , Ellie hated girls like Tiffany and she knew she wasn't just right for her son .

"Oh sweetheart am very sure when it comes to figuring brats, and it just happens one is sitting right here as I speak " Ellie replied staring daggers at Tiffany who gasped disbelief like she knew Ellie was referring to her .

"Honey calm down " Chris whispers to his wife , him too find Tiffany a spoilt brat who's just after his sons money , he didn't like her .

"Well the bitch won't shut up " she whispers back getting irritated by Tiffany's presence.

Tiara and Alexander  silently chuckled, Alex liked it that his mom put the bitch to her place, he will have to tell his brother Tiffany wasn't good for him , she's not one bit , girls like her only accept a relationship because of the guy's wealth and not love , something that hurt's like crazy when your used for your money and not for who you  are .

And the bitch was flirting with him under the table while wearing a ring , she's nothing but a whore .

Remembering Diana hadn't returned yet excused himself to go find her , what was keeping her long?

Going towards the washroom met Victoria.

"Did you see ms gregs over here ?" Alexander  asked .

"Actually sir she went towards the balcony" she replied.

"Balcony?" He whispers wondering what she must be doing there. Heading to the balcony saw her back turned to him and it seems she's so engrossed in her phone .

He moved a bit closer to her  and she still didn't notice him .

"Lia"he called Diana jumped when she heard his voice as she quickly turned off her phone and faced him .

"Oh my gosh you scared me " she let out  Alexander  wondered why she seem ....maybe not too fine .

Moving closer to her stood right in front of her touching her arms and Diana shived at the contact.

"You okay?" He asked staring down at her .

"Umm yeah sure " she smiled at him .

"Sure?" He asked , she was looking off when he came he didn't know why he cared but his worried if everything was fine with her .

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