(12) IT'S SUMMER!!!

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"SAAANNSS!!!" The scream of Papyrus' voice rang through the house and startling Sans from his sleep. The door slammed open and there stood Papyrus holding a bunch of beach stuff. "WAKE UP WE GOTTA GO!!" Poor Sans sat up and rubbed hiss eyesockets. "Papyrus it's five in the morning..." he sighed. "Sans, look at the clock! It's eleven o'clock. We're going to the beach with the others." Papyrus put down his stuff and carried his brother out of his bed. "Wait really?" Sans asked, clearly confused and thought it was early in the morning. "Yes, brother. Now go get ready to leave. Everyone's waiting for us." Papyrus said as he put his brother down and walked out of the room. "Mkay" said the short skeleton.

*Later on after the skele-lovebirds get ready* (Credit of the Skele-LoveBirds goes to @NeonWrittenDreams btw.)

"Bro I'm ready. Let's go." Sans said as he walked down the stairs carrying nothing but a ketchup bottle and his hoodie. "Okie doki! Let's go!!" The two skeletons walked out of their house and met their friends at the beach.

Yay new chappie
Now that it's summer break I might have time to make more chappies. YAS

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