I have to do something

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*Jacks Pov*
I can't believe this.
I'm such an idiot.
Why the hell would I not realise this.
The sad thing is I really loved Nicky, how did I not see through her lies.
Wait, oh Thalia probably hates me, I feel like such a jerk, I didn't even ask her what happened and now she probably will never talk to me again.
Tears fall down my face like a waterfall and I try to speak but words fail me.

"I'm sorry buddy" zach said with a sympathetic smile

"N...n...n...no, I-I'm sorry" I stutter

"I'm sorry bro but we all knew that somethings as wrong, it really upset me that we didn't know this sooner" Corbyn said

"Maja has been trying to tell you but you haven't been alone for her to talk to you" Eben sighed

"Wait Where is Thalia?" I ask

"She won't answer any of our calls" Jonah shrugged

"I'll try with Maja's phone" Daniel suggests "Majaaaaaaa can I borrow your phoneeee" he adds

Maja hanged Dani her phone and went back to Nicky, wait what why?

"Yo why is Maja with Nicky?" I ask

"So she doesn't hear us" Zach explains

"Well Eben send my the videos please" I say

"Um okay" he said confused

"Guys Thalia wouldn't answer but Noah did, she is back home and doesn't want us to know that, he said don't tell you but whoops" he shrugged


"Bro what about the LA show?" Corbyn asked

"It's a three day gap, yes we should be traveling but I'll meet you there I promise, but let me go. I have to apologise in person, I'm such a jerk" I looked at the floor

"You got this buddy" zach hugged me

"Okay it's sent to your phone" Eben asked

"Okay now to talk to Nicky" I said "MAJAAAAA" I yelled

"You guys all stay here" I say to them

"Good Bye Guys I want to go spend time with my Nicky baby" I say winking. I got a plan.

I do feel hurt from this, like I was truly in love with Nicky but now I know what is happening I can't stand the woman.

"Hey baby sorry about that, they just wanted to show me something" I laughed, ughhh I hate this for gods sake

"Oh what was it baby?" She smiled. Ew.

"I think you should see it ohh it's so juicy" I say knowing full well what I am doing.

"Oh go on then let's see" she says getting closer to me.

I showed her and she gave me looks and said "that's not me, I swear, and I wouldn't do that" she stuttered

"Nicky you are a jerk, how could you even do that? I actually loved you! And you made me forget all about the person who I love and I should have been with all along and now I've ruined all my chances because of you how could you even do that, oh yeah sorry it was all for clout, get off this bus right now and get off this tour and out of all of our lives!!!" I yelled at her

She tried to argue but all the rest of the guys came in and helped, heedless to say she was out of our lives in nowhere.

"Thank you for that guys" I smiled "NEXT STOP AIRPORT"

It took just under an hour and I got the next flight home, I really hope she will talk to me again.

*Thalia pov*
I can't stop crying it's not that I want jack for myself, yes I do, but if rather it be anyone but Nicky, anyone but Nicky.
And he hates me.
Maja keeps trying to call me, but you know she hates me also, they are all friends with Nicky now, so when they get back I think I need to find a new place to live.

I decided to go live on Instagram to just get talking with the fans, it always makes me feel so much better.

"Hey guys" I say smiling and waving "how are you guys?"

We thought you were with the boys I read

"Well, yeah I was, but I'm back home now" I laughed "I wanted to come focus on my music" I lied

Can you say hi Mia? I read

"Hey Mia, I love you" I smiled

I answered questions for about an hour then I left and decided to go make myself some food because I haven't eaten yet today, and oh my god it was. I haven't had cookies for to long, yes I made cookies.

I'm well aware it's like 1pm but it's been a long day I'm going to go and watch Netflix.

*Jacks pov*
Okay I've landed it's about 2pm and im heading straight to the girls house, I need to do something but I don't know what to do to be honest, just walking in there, I know it won't work.
Think jack think.
What can I do.

That's it, I got it.

*time skip of two hours*

*Thalia's pov*
It's now almost 5 pm, wow I slept for a long time, I'm really bored so I'm going to go have a cookie that is left from before and then go for a nice long walk.

As I left my house I decided to go live and talk while I'm on my walk because why not, I love talking to the fans, they like talking to me so it's a win win.
I answered some of the same questions as before about not being with the boys and yeah not going to lie it pains me to talk about it, but no secrets...well except for why I'm not with them,
but that's not the point...right?

"So yeah guys I'm walking in this gorgeous train I found a few weeks ago right by my house it's got gorgeous trees you guys so really come see it if your in the area, so what are you guys doing today?" I asked

"Oh hey Maja, Hey zach" I said what the hell, no I'm sorry not talking to them ahaha nope.

"Hey guys I'm really sorry" I say "I've got to go my phone is about to die and I don't want that to happen ahaha, I'll talk to ya'll later, I love you byeee" I said and ended it.

I don't want to talk to them at the moment, maybe at some point in the future but not now.

Tears roll down my face as I remember all the good times I have had with my 'friends' I thought they actually loved me, but no, Nicky was right. She always was and always will be.

*okay I'm lowkey bored in an ambassador meeting at school so I wrote this chapter*

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