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*thalias pov*

I feel my head hit the floor, I hear jack screaming, I hear him calling out my name, I can hear it all. but I can't see anything nor move.

I'm scared. really scared.

I hear a huge thud and then I feel a hand on my wrist " I feel a pulse" Jack said his voice wobbly and I can tell he's fighting to hold back the tears.

I hear him calling an ambulance, thank god, maybe I will be okay, but then again would anyone care...No Thalia come on not the time for could be...could be...seconds from death right now, it just hit me... I could literally die any second.

now I'm really scared.

I feel jack pick me up and carry me, moments later I'm laying on a bed, or the couch I'm not sure

"the ambulance are on there way, I don't know if you can hear me Thalia but I'm not leaving you, your going to be okay, I promise, I will make it okay" Jack tells me I want to tell him, yes jack yes I can hear you, I want to hug him, but I'm lying probably looking lifeless

I feel the grip on my hand fade and I hear pacing footsteps "why did that jerk do that? I'm going to kill him, how dare he do that, if you wanna be with Jonah that's fine good for you but you should have told Thalia, you really should, she should not have had to find out this way"

A soft touch meets my hand once more I hear crying, Jack no stop don't cry, please.

a few moments later I hear Eben, Daniel, and Corbyn burst through the door and I feel their presence close to me I wish I could see them, I hear sirens, I think its the ambulance

jacks reassuring grip is lost once again and I feel cold hands touching my skin, cold hands with rubbery fingers, must be the paramedics wearing gloves

they decide to take me to the hospital no no no I don't want them all to be worried about me this is not good I'm going to be alone, I'm scared I dont want this to happen no no n...

"ill go in the ambulance with her, ill meet you there" I hear Jack say, thank god.

I'm so lucky to have him he is the best friend I could ask for, I try to make out his muffles words that he is whispering to me but all I can hear is the dominant sound of sirens ringing in my ears.#

jack had a firm grip on my hand, I think it was helping the both of us, to be honest.                      I'm being wheeled on a stretcher into the hospital and jacks hand still firmly attached to mine.

the doctors do there examinations and ask Jack to wait outside NO NO NO!! YOU CANT DO THAT I try to scream, but nothing. I hear the door open and close I'm crying on the inside, I want nothing more than to be with him, and the rest of the guys, at home, just not Zach or Jonah... it's going to be a while before I feel comfortable with them again, but its something I'm willing to work on...that is if they don't hate me.

I hear them all talking as they walk into the room from the sounds of it stood around me is; Jack, Corbyn, Daniel, Eben, Maja and Heidi. I'm glad they're all here.

I'm surrounded by those who love me I'm happy, A doctor just walked in and hes explaining what happened.

He did not.

No no no.

Did I hear that right?

He just told them about my anxiety they are never going to think of me the same.

I was working really hard to fight it away, it was working to, I mean apart from the whole thing with Jorden, the last time I had an anxiety attack I was back in England.

I'm screwed, I didn't want them to find this out.

he leaves the room and they are all aking each other if the other knew.

I want to get up and run away, from my problems, from life, from everything, I want out, I don't want to be here anymore, but right now it seems I have no choice. I just want to be five again, when I didn't have to worry about anything.

I guess this will show who my real friends are, who will treat me differently now they know.

they all just said they're glad I'm going to be okay, whether that's to not sound mean or they genuinely mean it I don't know but I guess I will find out.

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