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*Thalia pov* 
I ran out with my bag crying, I don't care anymore I want to go home.
"Noah?" I say my voice shaky

"Hey Thalia, are you okay?" She said sounding concerned

"Not really, when is the next flight back home?" I say now letting the tears fall down

"Get an Uber to the airport I'll come to meet you in the jet" he says softly

"Thank you Noah" I smile knowing someone actually cares about me

"See you soon" he spoke so kindly

"Bye" I cried

I looked down at my phone and blocked all the boy's number.

I didn't want to hear any of there lame excuses for what Jack said to me, I wanted to have fun with my friends on a tour but like nope that didn't happen.

I put my phone onto plane mode  
So I don't get any notifications I put my headphones and put the music on full blast to hopefully feel something over the anger and sadness I feel taking over my entire body.

I arrived at the airport and turned off flight mode so I could call Noah, I had 59 missed called from Maja and 36 from Eben , dang forgot to block them.

I ignored the messages and called Noah who told me what to do.

Noah has become like a big brother to me and I feel like I can actually trust him...but then again I thought I could trust Jack.

I got off the phone with Noah and he told me what I needed to do and I did exactly that.

About an hour after arriving at the airport I got onto the jet and ran to Noah

"Thank you so much Noah" I hugged him

"Any time Thalia" he huffed me back "want to tell me what happened, you don't have to but I'm here if you want to" he smiled sitting down

I sat down opposite him "Well it started this morning at MacDonalds I was getting ready then Nicky, a girl who bullied and beat me up a few years ago, walked in because she was looking for Jack and she basically hit me and kicked me then she got on the floor and framed me and jack yelled at me and told me that basically he never wanted to see my face again" I cried again "I get it if you don't believe me, but you know, it just...it hurt" I forced a smile

"Thalia I'm so so sorry, I do believe you 100% and I'm sure Maja does as well" he smiled "why don't you call her when we land?"

"I think I will" I looked up any him "thanks again Noah" I smiled

*Maja's pov*
Jack had taken forever to go get Thalia so I decided to go

I walked Onto the bus and saw Jack and Nicky snuggling on the floor. Ew.

"Where's Thalia?" I asked

"Away from here and I hope it stays like that" Jack said through gritted teeth

"What the hell did you do" I returned the tone. None messed with my best friend.

"She beat me up and jacky bear saved me she could have killed me, ohhh" she said very dramatically

"It's okay Nicky boo I'm here, I got you" he cooed

"Thalia wouldn't hurt a fly" I said and ran out calling her.

Straight to voice mail.

"BOYS WE HAVE A PROBLEM" I yelled running back to where they were sat

"Boo bear what's up?" Daniel asked, Damn he is adorable.

"Is everything okay?" Zach chimed in

"Jack made Thalia leave the tour and we have no idea where she has gone" I looked at all there faces that were about to ask the same question "why? Because she supposedly beat Nicky up, stupid I know would she ever do that, no Thalia wouldn't even hurt a fly"

All us guys clearly didn't like Nicky and I'm glad about it, we all tried calling her but none cloud get anything.

I really hope she is okay

"Someone needs to talk to Nicky and find out what really happened, but she wouldn't tell us would she?" I thought aloud

"How do we show, or find out what really happened?" Corbyn asked

"I have no idea" Jonah replied

"Same here" added zach

"Wait guys, did we ever work out how to turn off that camera?" Daniel asked "it could still be recording!" He yelled

"Wait what camera?" I asked

"We found this camera when you were visiting Thalia, it was recording everything and we couldn't turn it off" Corbyn explained

"Let's go find it!" I yelled

"Wait, don't do it while Nicky is on the bus, wait and don't tell jack we know, Maja could you just go to your bunk or like away from jack and give him looks and stuff?" Eben suggested

We planned a plan to get Thalia and jack friends again and more importantly getting my best friend back on tour with us.

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