New friend

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*Zachs pov *
I heared muffled sobbing coming from the kitchen area so I decided to go see what it was.

It was Thalia, I held her close and she told me what was wrong. I told her that she had us now and she didn't have we worry about them.

I just wish I could have known her longer, and been there through all that pain. Thalia is amazing , so sweet , kind , funny and so very beautiful. The does not deserve all of that. If that guy comes near her again he will regret it.

"Shall we go back to sleep ?" I asked
"You can , I'm good tho " she replied.
"If your not tired neither am i, lets go somewhere, on an adventure" she smiled at me and i grabbed the keys and we took the van to somewhere I've only ever taken 2 other people. I like to call it 'the spot' it a quiet area full of really pretty trees and once i decked it out with fairy lights and bunting. There is also a tree house i designed and made with my dad one time, him and my sister are the only people I've had around here. I haven't been for ages i hope its still good.

We had meaningless conversations on the journey that were filled with lots of laughs.

We arived and Thalia was gob-smacked.

"Wow this is amazing !" She said in awe.

"Thanks ,me and my dad made it from an old clearing , Here was perfect because none ever cones here " I said with pride

"What's that?" She said was she pointed at the den.

" Come on I'll show you" I grinned and dragged her by the hand up to the den.

We spent the next few hours up there chatting and we got to know each other pretty well. I really hope she trusts me.
Its getting kinda late in the morning so we are going to head back.

Just before we left Thalia said "Please bring me back here sometime, I really enjoyed it"

"Of corse princess" I dont know why I said princess it just came out. She turned a shade of pink and got into the transportation vehicle.

We are pulling up onto the drive and its 10:38 so the Boys will just be waking up.

We walked in to them all eating breakfast and joined them to feast. The whole time jack kept glaring at me, I thought we were friends?

Logan left to go make content with Andy and gave Brendon the day off so him and Jonah went out to some carnival thing, Daniel went to go see that bam bam dude who turns out to be his brother, Corbyn is going to go see Christina so that leaves Me, Thalia and Jack in the house.

A little while later Thalia left for work and left me and Jack alone in the house. The atmosphere was bleak, dull and just seemed completely off. Jack didn't talk to me the whole time he stayed in his room gaming. That left me with nothing to do and none to talk to so I tried to get some school work done.

But failed because I can't concentrate. Why does Jack suddenly seem to hate me?

*Thalia's pov *
I said goodbye to the boys and left for work. I feel like me and zach have annoyed jack. Maybe zach took me to a place special to him and jack without him. That place was amazing though.
Jack kept glaring at zach the whole time and it was awkward.

I arrived at work and found out phoebe had booked me onto a fashion show next week! I can't wait! My first real show! She introduced me to the other girls. There was Amalia, Sasha  and Maja. They were all so amazingly beautiful. I hope they can teach me a few tricks and tips for this show they look so experienced.

We rehearsed for a while and I got to know the girls a bit better.

Amalia has done this a lot of times before, she has short  blond curled hair and blue eyes.

Sasha has been to about 6 of these events before, she has a light ombréd hair that was down to her waist and cloudy blue eyes

Maja was also new to this, she had moved out here about the same time as me. She had brown wavy shoulder length hair and brown eyes. She seems really nice. I hope we can be friends.

We practiced for about 4 hours then we had a lunch break where me and Maja decided to go out instead of eating the food provided for us. We went to subway because why not. We got to know each other quite well and we have a lot of the same interests she to moved from the uk like 20 miles away from where I used to live. She now lives in an apartment complex about 3 miles from here. I invited her over to stay for the night and we were so excited. We went back to work for a few hours then we went to target and got a load of junk food and other stuff that is essential for a girly sleepover.

We watched a load of comedy films and chatted nonsense for ages and painted each other's nails cos it's a girly sleeper. We stayed up all night having fun and it was amazing I forgot what it was like to have a girl friend. It's amazing and I have missed it so much. I really hope we can keep this friendship. She's just as weird as me, but it's a good weird.

I'm so happy now.

My life is finally getting back on track I have amazing friends and a job I really enjoy and I love this place.

Me and Maja became really close today, it's amazing, I never knew how much in common I could have with someone, we've both had a pretty bad past, both love the same type of music and she is so so kind. How much more amazing can one person get ???

"Hey Maja" I said.
"Yuppp" she replied
"I have a kinda crazy idea" I smiled
"What is it ?" She said looking exited
"Well you know how I live here in this big house" I started
"Yeah" she interrupted with giddiness
"And I live here alone" I continue
"I like where this is going" she said jumping up and down
"Why don't you move in with me!?" I squealed
"Yes yes yes 10000 times yes" she grabbed my hand and jumped up and down and we blasted some music in the car, Maja can drive, and we went to hers to get all her stuff to move her in and get all her stuff. We put her apartment up for  sale and we were all set.


We have been living together for a day and it's amazing.
There was a knock at the door and we went to see who it was.
It was the boys, oh yeah I forgot to introduce Maja to the neighbours.

The girl with a dream//why don't we { COMPLETED }Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora