the game

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*Corbyns POV*
Maja and Thalia are Awsome. They are such sweet girls, Zachs a lucky guy, but im luckier. Me and Christina are unbreakable I lover her with my everything. But that's not the point right now. I saw Maja and Thalia leaving on a walk last night at about 11:45 and they are either asleep or still haven't come back.
All us guys have tried ringing and texting and it cuts straight off. Me and Jonah have been over to there's and nothing. Maybe they are ignoring us. No, Thalia wouldn't do that, nor would Maja. Im getting kinda worried.
Zach on thr other hand had lost the plot. And apart from how annoying he is being its kinda cute how much he cares its also really funny, he is running round yelling at us and going over there every 5 minutes, im sure Thalia has about 300 textes and 900 miss calls by now.

I really do hope they are just ignoring us or something, if anything has happened im going be...i dont know, a mixture of sad angry , and a hole host of other things. If someone has hurt them me and the boys will finish them.

Maja and Thalia are our first real friends since we started this band, none want to be friends with us because its us only because we had fame, so these friendships are special.

*Majas POV*
I wake up and stretch my arm to feel a rock. Okay this is weird. Im lying on my own in the McDonalds car park.

Now I remember what happened, I burst out laughing as the memories of last night flooded to my brain. I checked my phone, well tried to its dead. The last time I saw Thalia I was about to fall asleep and she was about to climb this tree. A lit happened last night and it was hilarious. We had a midnight McDonalds and ate it sat up this huge old oak tree. When she's tired Thalis is so so funny.
I go to out my phone to call her ... Oh yeah our phones are dead. I get up from the cold hard ground and go inside to find Thalia but she's not there, nor is she in the shops around here. Now im getting worried.

Good job im in my sorts gear, I ran all the way back to our house but she's not there either, I plugged in my phone and ran, breathlessly, to the boys house to see if she is there.

A relived Daniel opened the door and hugged me.
"Is Thalia here ?" I asked worried
"Wait she's not with you ?" He said matching my tone.
Moments later all the boys bar Zach walked into the room.
I explained what happened and that we need to go look for her now. Zach is sleeping, he lost all his energy running about. I leave him a not saying we are all fine and that we are just going shopping. I dont want him to worry.

We have looked everywhere, all Thalia's favourite places, stores and basically the whole city.

I give up.

She is officially nowhere.
We decided to call into the the police station to report a missing person and they said that they will do all they can, I send them the Instagram videos we made just before we fell asleep to show what she was wearing and where we were last seen.

Im really worried. I hope she is okay. When Zach wakes up we will have to tell him. I dint want to be the one to do that. Jack volunteered, hes brave.

I go back home and so do the boys.

I get changed and go into the kitchen to get some breakfast when there's a knock it the door.

I go to answer it and there is a box with a not attached. Weird, I didn't order anything jet its adreddes to me, I opened the box and inside is something I never wanted to see in a box, Thalias jacket, purse and phone im shaking as I open the note,

If you ever want to see Thalia again you will play the game.

You dont know who I am nor will you find out. All you need to know is you cant find me, or defeat me.

I am stronger than all of you put together so dont even try fighting me.

Oh one last thing if you show this to the police i wont hesitate to kill your precious friend.

~ your worst nightmare.

I ran over to the boys house crying and banging on the door my hands trembling. Jonah opened the door and pulled me inside into a huge hug and sat me down in the lounge where all the other boys where sat before he noticed the paper in my shaking hands I handed it to him and he read it aloud. Big mistake. All the boys are panicking.

What are we going to do ?

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