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*Jack's Pov*
We're leaving for tour really soon and we have been rehearsing every minute of every day, I've been trying to message Thalia as much as I can but she's busy doing her thing and I'm busy doing my thing.
I was with her the second she woke up in the hospital and I took her home and as bad as I felt I had to go rehearse almost as soon as I got back.
We are packing the last of the stuff into the bus as we leave the day after tomorrow, I'm going to miss Thalia a lot but there's not really much I can do as she is always off her phone doing her work, I'm proud of her but I wish she would spend more time on her phone messaging me and the rest of us I know that sounds selfish but we all want her to make sure she's okay.

*Daniel's POV*
Me and Maja have been talking a lot since we had that movie night, I think I've got a small crush on her...okay I lied...it's a huge crush.
I mean I'm really going to miss her a lot and it is short notice but I might ask her to come with us, I'll have to talk to the other boys first.

*time skip*

Jack is down to ask Maja and Thalia to come with we just have to check with the other boys there are two spare beds after mine, the boys, Eben, Tyler, and Zach- he's out tour photography he's a really chill dude.

"Corbynnn, Zachhh, Jooonahhhh" I Tell up the stairs

"Whattttt?" They replied

"Come here we wanna talk to you guyyyys!" I shout in response

"Coming" they yelled followed by a heard of elephants running down the stairs

"So there are two beds spare on the bus right?" Jack says

"Yeah..." Corbyn said looking confused

"We were thinking we could ask Maja and Thalia to come" I said

"I mean...yeah...sure" Zach said without taking his eyes off his phone, he and Thalia still haven't spoken since the 'incident'

"You need to talk and apologies to Thalia Zach" I said

He walked off and Jonah followed him.

"Well Corbyn, you coming to ask the girls?" Jack asked

"Well Christina is with them so yes" he laughed

We walked over to their house and knocked on the door and almost instantly it was answered by all three girls.
We went in and asked them.

"OMG!!! I would love to!!!" Maja screamed and jumped up and down with Christina while Thalia sat on the couch looking depressed.

"What about you Thals?" Corbyn asked

"I would love to...but I can't" she forced a smile "I have to work on this album and I have so many things scheduled for the next few months" Jack went over and hugged her

"Don't worry about it, stay here and work on your stuff, that's more important?" Jack said

"Thanks for understanding" she smiled

"Well, I'm going to go pack!" Maja screamed

They ran upstairs all excited followed by a saddened Thalia

"I'm sorry, have fun though and good luck, not that you guys need it you'll rock" she hugged us "I'm going to go back up to my room to carry on my song I was writing, the last one to be on this ep." She smiled

"I'm proud of you Thalia" I said as I shut the door.

*Thalia's Pov*

well looks like I'm going to be completely alone for the next 4 months.

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